Haematological blood test

The analysis of a blood sample provides valuable information about its cellular components, proteins, chemicals, gases, antigens, and antibodies. Hematological blood tests are conducted to evaluate respiratory function, immune system response, metabolic processes, hormonal balance, and the overall health of major organs. These tests examine the numbers, appearance, shape, and size of blood cells while assessing the functionality of clotting factors present in the blood. Through these tests, healthcare professionals gain insights into various aspects of an individual’s physiological well-being.

Vital haematological blood tests include blood count and blood group tests, particularly when a blood transfusion is required. Biochemical tests are utilized to measure the levels of various chemicals present in the blood. Microbiological tests are conducted to detect the presence of microorganisms in the blood, such as in cases of septicaemia. Immunological tests are also performed to search for antibodies in the blood, which can provide confirmation of immunity to certain infections. These significant tests in haematology serve the purpose of diagnosing, monitoring, and managing various medical conditions, while also ensuring the safety and efficacy of blood transfusions.




