Vichy water

A mineral water sourced from one of the springs located in Vichy, France. Varieties other than Celestin should only be consumed under the guidance of a medical professional.

Vichy water is a mildly laxative and antacid mineral water sourced from Vichy, France. In Europe, it has been employed to address rheumatic, gouty conditions, and liver disorders. Despite their popularity in France, these spa waters likely have no significant impact on the disease itself. The advantages of spa treatment may be attributed more to the discipline it instills, requiring proper exercise and a restricted diet, rather than any medicinal effects of the water.

A mildly laxative and antacid mineral water sourced from Vichy, France, used in Europe to treat rheumatic and gouty conditions and liver disorders. While popular in France, these spa waters likely have minimal impact on the disease process. The benefits of spa treatment may be more attributed to the discipline of engaging in proper exercise and a controlled diet rather than the therapeutic effects of the water.




