Boiled potatoes

Begin by scraping, brushing, or peeling the desired quantity of evenly-sized potatoes. Submerge them in a pot of boiling salted water, ensuring they are fully covered. For new potatoes, add a sprig of mint to enhance their delicate flavor. Allow the potatoes to gently simmer until they reach a state of tenderness, keeping in mind that the cooking time can vary depending on their age, type, and size, typically ranging from 15 to 30 minutes. To check for doneness, pierce them with a knife; if they yield easily, they are ready. Drain the potatoes, discarding the water. If they were cooked with their skins intact, use a fork to hold each potato while carefully removing the skin. In the case of new potatoes, you may choose to leave their tender red skins on. For a final touch, give the potatoes a gentle shake over low heat to remove any excess moisture. Alternatively, if desired, you can opt to boil the potatoes in the oven. Select a pan with a snug-fitting lid, place it in the coolest section of the oven, and allow approximately twice the usual time for them to cook to perfection.




