
Leaf-like, spine-like or scale-like appendages of the leaf, usually in pairs at the base of the petiole.

One of a pair of basal appendages found on the leaf petiole of many species.

One of a pair of leaf-like, scale-like or bristle-like structures inserted at the base or on the petiole of a leaf or phyllode.

One of a pair of appendages at the base of a petiole, or leaf stalk, of some plants.

Either of a pair of appendages found at the base of the petiole.

A small, often leaflike appendage on the base of the leaf stalk, often paired, sometimes on the stem between leaf stalks of opposite leaves, as in Rubiaceae, or forming a tube around the stem, as in Polygonaceae. In some cases the stipule serves to cover the leaf bud and falls off as the leaf expands, often leaving a scar around the plant stem, as in Cecropiaceae.

Small appendage at the base of the petiole of a leaf.

Usually in pairs at the base of the petiole; in some ferns (Marattiaceae, Osmundaceae) outgrowths of the rhizome on either side of the petiole are referred to as stipules, although these are not associated with the leaf.

A leaf-like or scale-like appendage at the base of a leafstalk; often a pair of them is present.

Leafy outgrowths that grow at the base of a leaf stalk, as in roses, and on the leaves of sucker shoots.

A bract or leafy structure occurring in pairs at the base of the leaf stalk.

A small appendage at the base of some leaves. They occur in pairs.

Pairs of leaflike appendages, found at the base of a leaf.

A little leafy appendage formed at the juncture of a leaf and the main stem.

Appendages resembling small or minute leaves at the base of leaves of certain plants.

A pair of appendages located at the base of the petiole where it joins the stem; often short-lived and seen only as stipule scars; if not formed, the leaf is exstipulate.

The appendages at the base of certain leaves.

Small, leaflike, paired projections at the base of a leafstalk.

Leafy outgrowths at the base of a leaf stalk, as in roses or sweet peas. Stipules may be modified into spines, as in Robinia or may assume the same size and form as normal leaves, as in Galium.

Tiny, paired structures that resemble leaves or scales and are situated at the base of the leaves in certain plant families.




