Cravat bandage for fracture of clavicle

A bandage in which one first puts a soft pad 2 X 4 in (5.1 X 10.2 cm) in the forepart of the axilla. A sling is made by placing the point of the open bandage on the affected shoulder, the hand and wrist laid on it and directed toward the opposite shoulder, the point brought over and tucked underneath the wrist and hand. The ends are then lifted and the bandage is laid flat on the chest, the covered hand is carried up on the shoulder the ends are brought together in the back and tied, the tightness being decided by how high the shoulder should be carried. A cravat bandage is then applied horizontally above the broad part of the elbow and tied over a pad on the opposite side of the chest. Tightening this cravat retracts the shoulders and scapulae.




