
A genus of widely distributed amebas, of which some species are parasites of the digestive tract of man. E. histolytica invades and destroys the tissues of the intestinal wall, causing dysentery and ulceration of the gut wall, and the parasite may spread to the liver, where it produces an abscess. E. coli is a harmless intestinal parasite; E. gingivalis, found within the spaces between the teeth, is associated with periodontal disease and gingivitis.

A genus of ameba, some of which are found in the human intestine or oral cavity.

This group of amoebae belongs to a genus, and among them, some act as parasites within the human digestive tract.

Globally, Entamoeba Histolytica stands as the most significant cause of amoebic disease, especially prevalent in tropical regions. This particular amoeba is accountable for amoebiasis, commonly known as amoebic dysentery, a condition characterized by the destruction of the intestinal lining, leading to the development of ulcers in the intestines. Additionally, it can also result in the formation of abscesses in the liver.

Entamoeba Gingivalis is discovered in the oral cavities of humans and is linked to periodontal disease, which refers to any condition affecting the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth, as well as gingivitis, an inflammation of the gums. On the other hand, Entamoeba Coli is a non-harmful intestinal parasite.

A class of protozoans responsible for illnesses like amebic dysentery.




