Sharp, sharply pointed, the margins near the tip being almost straight and forming an angle of <90°.
Denoting the swift onset and course of a disease.
An illness that comes on quickly, has severe symptoms, and a generally short duration, e.g., measles or colds. The opposite of chronic.
Having a sudden onset, characterized by sharpness, severity, and brief duration.
Terminating in a distinct but not extended point, the converging edges forming an angle of less than 90 degrees.
A type of disease or disorder having a sudden onset, severe symptoms, and generally short duration (e.g., a head cold or knee sprain). The opposite of chronic.
With a pointed end forming an acute angle, that is less than a right angle.
Apex formed by two straight margins, meeting at less than 90 degrees.
A symptom or condition that appears suddenly (and lasts for a short period).
A disease that appears suddenly and usually disappears within a short period of time. Some diseases bring about death very rapidly.
Referring to a disease or condition which develops rapidly and can be dangerous.
Referring to pain which is sharp and intense (informal).
A term that describes symptoms or disease that begins abruptly and subsides within a relatively short period. In contrast to chronic health problems, the onset of abrupt or acute symptoms is characterized by sharpness, severity, or intensity.
With respect to an illness, having a short course, which often is relatively severe. The term is also used for the portion or portions of an illness, ordinarily in its early stages, in which symptoms are most severe and the patient may be at greatest risk. The period following acute is referred to as “postacute.”
A condition of short duration that starts quickly and has severe symptoms. It may also refer to a symptom; for example, severe pain. An ‘acute’ abdomen is a serious disorder of the abdomen requiring urgent treatment, usually surgery. Acute heart failure is the sudden stopping of, or defect in, the action of the heart. Acute leukaemia is a rapid growth in the number of white blood cells, which is fatal if untreated.
An illness or disorder that is sudden or severe but lasts only a short time.
Having a rapid onset, severe symptoms, and a short course; not chronic.
A term often used to describe a disorder or symptom that develops suddenly. Acute conditions may or may not be severe, and they are usually of short duration.
This term pertains to the intensity of an illness. An acute illness is characterized by its brief, sudden, and rapid onset.
A symptom or condition that emerges abruptly and persists for a brief duration.