Peak flow meter

A device that measures airflow, called peak expiratory flow rate, which is one measure of lung function. The person being tested blows quickly and forcefully into the device, and a reading indicates how open the airways are. Peak flow meters are used primarily to determine the severity of asthma and may be used as a diagnostic tool to detect an asthmatic condition before other symptoms appear.

A device that measures the rate at which an individual can expel air from the lungs. This is an indication of the reserve in the capacity of the lungs. Narrowed airways (bronchospasm) slow the rate at which air can be expelled; the peak flow meter can assess the severity of the condition. asthma causes bronchospasm and the device can measure the effectiveness of treatment with bronchodilator drugs; this should be done regularly to monitor the progress of the disease.

A device designed to gauge the highest velocity of air exiting the lungs. A peak-flow meter proves valuable in gauging the intensity of bronchospasm (airway constriction in the lungs), as constricted airways impede the speed of air expulsion from the lungs. Primarily utilized for asthma diagnosis, a peak-flow meter also serves to track the condition and evaluate treatment response in individuals with the disorder.

Peak flow is determined by inhaling deeply and forcefully exhaling through the mouthpiece with maximal effort. The meter incorporates a pointer and a scale on its side; the exhaled breath propels the pointer, indicating a measurement on the scale – a higher reading corresponds to a swifter airflow rate.




