A condition in which benign cartilage masses or tumors covering a movable joint become detached and remain in the joint space. These free bodies are sometimes called “joint mice.” Chon-dromatosis most commonly affects the knee joint. The symptoms include limited range of motion in the affected joint, and, if the condition persists over time, there is an increased risk of degenerative joint disease. The cause is unknown. Chondromatosis is more common in men and usually occurs after the age of 40.
Formation of multiple chondromas of the hands and feet; often occurs in joint spaces.
Chondromatosis is a condition characterized by the presence of multiple noncancerous tumors called chondromas, which develop primarily in the bones, particularly in the hands and feet. These tumors are composed of cartilage, a connective tissue consisting of the gel-like substance collagen. Typically, chondromatosis does not cause any noticeable symptoms.