
A stem that grows erect from the base of a plant and then curves over, touching the ground at the tip. It produces new plants from buds at its tip or nodes.

Vegetative shoot spreading along the surface of the ground and rooting at the nodes, where it may give rise to new plantlets;

(In Cyperaceae) a thin underground branch arising from the rhizome or base of the culm, each stolon terminates in an aerial shoot.

The creeping stem of a rosetted or tufted plant, giving rise to another plant at its tip.

A horizontal stem that travels along the ground, rooting at nodes or tips to produce new plants.

A trailing runner or rootstock by which grasses may propagate.

A runner, not necessarily forming a new plant at its tip. Includes procumbent stems.

A slender, rapidly elongating rhizome, generally rooting only at long intervals. The stolons of strawberries are produced above ground, but stolons may also be buried, such as those produced by some bulbs as a means of extending their colonies.

A slender, short-lived creeping stem that grows along the surface or below ground and takes root at the nodes to form new plants; hence a stoloniferous plant, one that produces stolons.




