
Male reproductive part of a flower.

The structure of a flower that produces its pollen.

The male organ of a flower, the male sporophyll, consisting of a stalk (filament) bearing the connective and container(s) (anthers) that bear the pollen.

The male organ of a flower, consisting of an anther usually on a filament.

One of the male organs of a flower, consisting typically of a stalk (filament) and a pollen-bearing portion (anther).

Male fertilizing organ of a flowering plant.

Male reproductive organ of a flower, consisting of a pollenbearing structure (anther) borne on a stalk, or filament.

The male part of a flower, usually composed of a long slender stem (the filament) and an enlarged tip that holds the pollen (the anther).

The male organ of the flower, composed of an anther and a filament.

The pollen-bearing male organ of a flower.

The male, pollen-producing organs in flowering plants. A staminate flower is only male, with pistillate (female) flowers on the same or different plants. Most flowering plants have both parts on the same flower, although they may mature at different times to avoid self-pollination.

The pollen-producing structure of a flowering plant, consisting of an anther and of a filament.

The pollen-bearing anthers with attached filaments (sometimes without filaments).

Male flower part, usually composed of a thin filament (stalk) holding up a thicker, pollen-bearing anther. Pollen contains the sperm nucleus (flowering plants do not have swimming sperm).

The male organ of a flower, composed of a slender stalk (filament) tipped with a pollen-producing anther.

Often considered to be the male organ of a flower (although it is the pollen that actually produces the sperm cells), consisting of a filament and an anther, which are connected to each other by the connective; anthers contain the pollen.

One of the individual male organs of a flower, comprising the filament and anther. The anther is the little sac, usually two (or more) -celled, containing the pollen at the top of a stamen; the filament is the stalk.

The pollen-producing, or male, unit of a flower, typically consisting of a long filament with a pollen-producing tip (the anther).

The male part of a flower, consisting of filament and anther. The anther produces the pollen.

The basic male organ in a flower. The stamens usually form the next whorl in from the whorl of petals and are often partly fused to the petals. A stamen typically consists of a filament or stalk bearing at its tip the anther, the hollow organ containing the pollen. The pollen is released in most cases when the anther opens by slits or pores.

The male organ of a flower comprising anther (which contains pollen grains) and filament (the stalk below the anther).

The male reproductive components of the flower, each consisting of a pair of sac-like anthers containing pollen at the tip of the filament or stalk.




