
A strong desire to defaecate.

Ineffectual and painful straining to urinate or defecate.

A condition in which someone feels the need to pass faeces, or sometimes urine, but is unable to do so and experiences pain.

Spasm of the rectum and desire to defecate without the production of significant amounts of feces. It is associated with irritable bowel syndrome and other conditions.

A sensation of the desire to defecate, which is continuous or recur, frequently, without the production of significant amounts of feces. This uncomfortable symptom may be due to ‘proctitis, prolapse of the rectum, rectal tumor, or irritable bowel syndrome.

A symptom of disease affecting the lower part of the large intestine, such as dysentery, piles (haemorrhoids) or tumour. It consists of a constant sense of heavy discomfort about the lower bowel and desire to defaecate, coupled with straining when doing so, with the passage of mucus and often blood.

Spasmodic contraction of anal or bladder sphincter with pain and persistent desire to empty the bowel or bladder, with involuntary ineffectual straining efforts.

Let us delve into the realm of medical conditions and explore a distressing symptom characterized by the strained effort to urinate or defecate without successful elimination. This condition, known as tenesmus, is particularly associated with bacillary dysentery—a type of infectious diarrhea caused by certain bacteria. Tenesmus manifests as an uncomfortable sensation, often accompanied by pain and a persistent urge to urinate or defecate, even when the bladder or bowel is empty. This distressing symptom reflects the body’s attempt to eliminate waste but is hindered by the underlying infection or inflammation. Recognizing tenesmus as a characteristic feature of bacillary dysentery is essential for accurate diagnosis and appropriate management of this gastrointestinal condition.

A sensation of not fully evacuating the bowel, characterized by an urge to defecate accompanied by unsuccessful efforts. This condition could indicate inflammation or the presence of a tumor.

Intense discomfort while attempting to empty the bladder or bowels, typically without success, often characterized by painful straining.




