
Abnormal deposition of an iron-containing compound (hemosiderin) in tissues, often associated with diseases in which there is extensive destruction of red blood cells.

Increased storage of iron in body tissues; associated with diseases involving the destruction of red blood cells; for example, hemolytic anemia.

A disorder caused by excessive deposition of iron, which in turn results from excessive intake or administration of iron, usually in the form of blood transfusions. It results in damage to various organs, including the heart and liver.

A condition characterized by the deposition, especially in the liver and spleen, of hemosiderin. It occurs in diseases associated with excess iron accumulation in the body (e.g., the iron storage diseases) and hemolytic anemias and after multiple transfusions.

An excessive accumulation of iron in the body due to recurrent blood transfusions. Hemosiderosis predominantly affects individuals with thalassemia.





