Fecal impaction

Accumulation of hardened feces in the rectum or lower part of the colon which the person is unable to move. Treatment is by enemas and manual breaking of the stool with a gloved finger. Prevention includes a diet containing bulk foods, adequate water intake, exercise, and sometimes use of stool softeners.

An accumulated hard mass of feces in the rectum. Fecal impaction results from constipation (infrequent bowel movements in which the feces are hard and dry). An enema may be needed to help a person with an impaction to have a bowel movement. If this proves unsuccessful, a physician may remove stool manually. Fecal impaction can be a symptom of a more serious disorder, especially when additional symptoms, such as weight loss, abdominal pain, or rectal bleeding, are present.

Constipation caused by a firm mass of feces in the distal colon or rectum. The size or firmness of the mass prevents its passage.

Obstruction of the intestines due to large amounts of hard, unmovable stool.




