
Study of the patterns of lines (as whorls, loops, and arches in the fingertips, forming the fingerprints) on the hands and feet, which are unique to each person. Of interest to criminologists, these patterns are also significant in the study of genetic disorders.

The study of the patterns of finger, palm, toe, and sole prints. These patterns are formed by skin ridges, the distribution of which is unique to each individual. As well as being of value in criminology, dermatoglyphics is of interest to anthropologists and to doctors studying genetic disorders.

Dermatoglyphics is the study of the patterns made by the ridges and crevices of the hands and the soles of the feet.

A medically qualified specialist who diagnoses and treats disorders of the skin.

Study of the surface markings of the skin, especially those of the hands and feet, used in identification and genetic studies.




