Pharyngitis, Pharyngolaryngitis

Inflammation of the pharynx and the larynx.

Inflammation or infection of the pharynx, usually producing a sore throat; it may be caused by bacterial or viral infection. Treatment depends on the cause.

An inflammatory condition affecting the wall of the pharynx or the throat proper. It is most commonly due to a viral upper respiratory tract infection, and may be confined to the pharynx or may also involve the rest of the upper respiratory tract i.e. the nose and the larynx. The mucous membrane is red and glazed with enlarged lymphfollicles scattered over it. The patient’s throat feels sore and swallowing may be uncomfortable. Only symptomatic treatment, such as the use of painkillers or lozenges and gargles, is necessary for viral pharyngitis, which usually is a stage in the development of a cold, or (less often, but more seriously) influenza. Mononucleosis may also start with pharyngitis. Streptococcal bacteria linked to scarlet fever also cause the condition, in which case antibiotics are advised.

Inflammation of both the pharynx and the larynx.




