Bile pigments

Breakdown products of the heme portion of hemoglobin, myoglobin, and the cytochromes (bilirubin, biliverdin, and heme).

Colored compounds, breakdown products of the blood pigment hemoglobin, that are excreted in bile. The two most important bile pigments are bilirubin, which is orange or yellow, and its oxidized form biliverdin, which is green. Mixed with the intestinal contents, they give the brown color to the feces.

Any of the complex, highly colored substances (e.g., bilirubin and biliverdin) found in bile derived from hemoglobin. They give a brown color to intestinal contents and feces. Van den Bergh’s test is used to detect the type of bilirubin in the blood serum.

The waste product of the hemoglobin of old red blood cells, found in the bile. Included are bilirubin (orange), biliverdin (green), their derivatives (urobilinogen, urobilin, bilicyanin, and bilifuscin), and stercobilin, which gives brown color to the feces.




