One of several collagen diseases which are forms of lupus, where red patches form on the skin and spread throughout the body.
A chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease with characteristic facial “butterfly rash,” involving hematologic, cardiac, pulmonary, and renal systems.
An autoimmune disorder that can cause arthritis and also affects several tissues and internal organs. Systemic lupus erythematosus, which is commonly called SLE or lupus, causes the body’s antibodies to damage cells and tissues in the body, which may include the joints, skin, kidneys, heart, lungs, pancreas, blood vessels, and brain.
A serious autoimmune disease occurring predominantly in women. The body’s immune system, triggered by a failure of the body’s mechanism for clearing up the debris of dead cells, attacks connective tissue, causing severe inflammation. As connective tissue is widely distributed, the skin and many organs are affected. Sunlight, viral infections and certain drugs can induce some of the symptoms, especially in older people. Symptoms come and go with varying levels of severity. SLE produces a characteristic red, blotchy rash over the cheeks and bridge of the nose (‘butterfly rash’). Patients feel ill, are fatigued and feverish with appetite loss, nausea, joint pain and loss of weight. Some develop mouth ulcers, headache, arthritis, anaemia, kidney failure, neurological or psychiatric problems, pleurisy and pericarditis. It is a particular problem in pregnancy when it can provoke early miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, growth failure or even death of the fetus and preterm delivery.
A chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease of connective tissue involving multiple organ systems and marked by periodic acute episodes. Its name is derived from the characteristic erythematous “butterfly” rash over the nose and cheeks, which resembles a wolf s snout, although this is present in less than 50% of patients. The disease is most prevalent in women (ratio of 8:1 women:men) of childbearing age (ratio of 15:1). Although it occurs worldwide, it is most prevalent among black and Asian peoples.
A relatively rare chronic multi-systemic autoimmune disease whereby the immune system targets the body’s organs and tissues, resulting in symptoms such as fatigue, fever, skin rash, weight loss, various inflammation responses, and lowered resistance to infections.
A persistent inflammatory condition characterized by abnormal immune system responses, leading to irregularities in the blood vessels and connective tissue.