
Management or organisation.

In relation to families, the duty of parents or guardians to protect and guide children who are in their custody and care. Supervision is part of the parents’ responsibilities that run along with the parents’ rights to make basic and important decisions for a child. A parent’s failure to provide proper supervision may lead to charges of child abuse and neglect and, in serious cases, to termination of parents’ rights and assumption by the state of the task of supervising the child. Juveniles convicted of delinquent acts or status offenses (such as runaways, truants, or incorrigible children), who are thought to require more supervision than previously provided, may sometimes be placed under court supervision. This may involve probation, or the court may transfer custody to a relative or social agency. Such delinquents are variously called Children in Need of Supervision (CHINS), Juveniles in Need of Supervision (JINS), Minors in Need of Supervision (MINS), or Persons in Need of Supervision (PINS).




