
A close-fitting piece of clothing to cover the leg.

A snug covering for the foot and leg. A stocking made of elastic material that places firm, even pressure on an extremity, useful in managing edema, preventing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) of the leg, and in treating varicose veins. Pneumatic compression devices, which sequentially inflate and deflate, are more effective than simple elasticized stockings. A graduated compression stocking exerts more pressure at the ankle than on the rest of the limb. Its pressure decreases proximally to permit venous return of blood. External compression reduces the cross-sectional area of the limb and increases the velocity of blood flow in both superficial and deep veins. It also improves venous valve function, reduces vein distention, and may have favorable effects on coagulants. In hospitalized patients at low risk for DVT, compression stockings may be used alone to prevent the formation of blood clots; for those at higher risk, compression stockings usually are used in combination with anticoagulant therapy, such as heparin, low molecular weight heparin, or warfarin. Low-risk patients are those who have had minor surgery (less than 30 minutes), minor trauma, or minor medical illnesses.




