There is no exact history of French fries. Spanish, French and Belgian asserted that they are an exclusive fries inventor. Belgian called it French fries. French assert that it was firstly sold by street vendors on Pont Neuf bridge in 1789. In 1802, the potatoes were fried in French style by Jefferson at White House dinner.
Nutritional value
The serving size of 170 grams of French fries offers 73.42 g of moisture, 491 calories, 5.93 g of protein, 23.87 g of total lipid fat, 3.54 g of ash, 63.24 g of carbohydrate, 6.6 g of total dietary fiber, 0.48 g of total sugars, 0.1 g of sucrose, 0.24 g of glucose, 0.15 g of fructose and 57.14 g of starch. It also offers 23.87 g of total lipid fat, 61 µg of Vitamin K, 63.24 g of carbohydrate, 607 mg of sodium, 0.401 mg of vitamin B6, 211 mg of phosphorus, 4.359 mg of niacin, 0.19 mg of copper, 926 mg of potassium, 0.413 g of valine, 1.55 mg of iron, 0.083 g of tryptophan, 0.927 mg of Vitamin B5, 6.6 g of total dietary fiber, 0.399 mg of manganese, 0.187 mg of vitamin B1, 0.204 g of isoleucine, 5.93 g of protein, 49 mg of magnesium, 1.7 mg of Vitamin E and 0.185 g of threonine.
Health Benefits of French fries
French fries are commonly known from the children to elders. It could easily be found in cafes, bistros and fast food restaurants. It will be more delicious if consumed with ketchup, vinegar and salt. It has few health benefits along with disadvantages such as clogged arteries, health issues and obesity. It is loaded with various amounts of nutrients and fat.
- Treat internal bleeding
Vitamin K lowers the bleeding in liver, jaundice and poor absorption of nutrients. The deficiency of Vitamin K leads to colitis, Crohn’s disease, sprue and obstructions. (1)
- Enhance immunity
Vitamin B6 has a vital role to strengthen immune system of the body as well as its functions. It supports the body to counteract various infections that could victimize body in the deficiency of this vitamin. (2)
- Supports digestion
Phosphorus is vital to facilitate digestion in the body. Niacin and riboflavin is required for the metabolism of energy to emotional response and neurological systems. It helps to treat diarrhea, constipation, indigestion and regulates healthy bowel movements. It raises the digestive health. (3)
- Lowers cholesterol
High intake of niacin helps to lower the bad cholesterol level and increase the level of good cholesterol. It prevents the conditions such as atherosclerosis and thickening of artery walls. (4)
- Treat arthritis
Copper has anti-inflammatory properties which lowers the arthritis symptoms. It is believed that copper is an aid for arthritis which helps to strengthen muscular system. The water should be stored in a copper container and consumed in the morning which is helpful for the arthritis patients. (5)
- Prevent cramps
The deficiency of potassium in blood is the reason for muscle cramps which is also called hypokalemia. The foods rich in potassium help to prevent muscle cramps. (6)
- Aids function of brain
Iron helps to increase the brain development. It aids the supply of oxygen as the brain requires about 20% of oxygen. The blood flows in brain enhances the cognitive activity and assist to form new neural pathways. It also prevents the cognitive ailments such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. (7)
- Reduce stress
Pantothenic acid helps to lower stress and mental problems such as depression and anxiety. It also promotes the fitness of mind. It organize hormones which are the cause for these conditions. (8)
- Eliminates free radicals
Manganese has antioxidant properties which help to eliminate free radicals from the body. Free radicals damage the cells and cause cancer as well as other diseases. The foods rich in manganese helps to prevent these diseases. (9)
- Provides energy
Sugar is considered as the energy source which is oxidized by Vitamin B1 into the usable energy. It is also the part of pyruvate dehydrogenase system that assists in the sugar oxidation. Vitamin B1 is essential for the enzyme functions as well as normal functions. (10)
- It is high in fat which could lead to overweight.
- The high intake results in type 2 diabetes, obesity, cancer and heart disease.
- Nursing and pregnant women should avoid it because it contains carcinogenic and neuro-toxic agent known as acrylamide.
- It contains bad fats.
- It also increases the level of blood sugar and increases the chances of stroke and heart attack.
How to Eat
- It is served hot either crispy or soft.
- It is consumed as a snack, lunch or dinner.
- In USA, it is salted and served along with ketchup.
- It could be topped in chili cheese fries and poutine dishes.
- It is used as a vital ingredient in Canadian dish which consists of fried potatoes that is covered with gravy and cheese curds.
- It is served with frikandel, fishsticks, burgers, croquette or meatballs.
- It is also paired with fish, lemon slice and remoulade.
- It is served with salt, vinegar, Cajun seasoning, pepper, grated cheese, mushy peas, melted cheese, heated curry sauce, hot sauce, curry ketchup, relish, mayonnaise, mustard, tartar sauce, bearnaise sauce, chili, tzatziki, garlic sauce, fry feta cheese, butter, sauce, sour cream, barbecue sauce, ranch dressing, lemon juice, gravy, aioli, honey, brown sauce, ketchup, pickled cucumber, piccalilli, pickled gherkins, pickled eggs and pickled onions.
- In Romania, it is served with garlic sauce.
- In Turkey, it is a side dish for hamburger.
- It is also served with the sauce made from parsley, tomato, lemon, olive oil and garlic.
- The French fries could be sprinkled with seasonings.
Other Facts
- The people of Belgium eat more French fries.
- In America, French fries was brought by Thomas Jefferson.
French fries facts
French fries are cut potatoes which are deeply fried. It could be prepared in the home which might differ in the way of making but is regarded to be healthy. French fries contain dietary fiber which prevents the risk of rise in cholesterol level which increases the chances of heart problems. It is the fast food which is well known to young as well as elder people. It could be found in any restaurants, cafe and bistros. Besides health benefits, it is rich in starch which could lead to diabetes. One should consume French fries in limited amounts only.
French Fries health benefits, risks & nutrition facts Quick Facts | |
Name: | French Fries health benefits, risks & nutrition facts |
Origin | There is no exact history of French fries. Spanish, French and Belgian asserted that they are an exclusive fries inventor. Belgian called it French fries. |
Colors | Golden brown |
Shapes | Wide: 10 and 15 mm (0.39 and 0.59 inches) |
Taste | Crispy |
Calories | 491 Kcal./cup |
Major nutrients | Total Fat (68.20%) Vitamin K (50.83%) Carbohydrate (48.65%) Sodium (40.47%) Vitamin B6 (30.85%) |
Health benefits | Treat internal bleeding, Enhance immunity, Supports digestion, Lowers cholesterol, Treat arthritis |
Name | French Fries health benefits, risks & nutrition facts |
Native | There is no exact history of French fries. Spanish, French and Belgian asserted that they are an exclusive fries inventor. Belgian called it French fries. French assert that it was firstly sold by street vendors on Pont Neuf bridge in 1789. In 1802, the potatoes was fried in French style by Jefferson at White House dinner. |
Common/English Name | Chips, French fries, Freedom Fries, Fries, Finger, French-fried potatoes |
Name in Other Languages | Vlaams (Dutch): friet, frit(ten), frut (Antwerp); French: frites, pommes frites; Bulgarian: Pŭrzheni kartofki (Пържени картофки); Portugese: batata frita; French: patates frites; Mandarin: Shu Tiao; Spanish: papas a la francesa, papas fritas; Czech: hranolky; Danish: pomfritter; Finnish: ranskalaiset perunat, ranskalaiset, ranskikset; French: frites, pommes frites; Deutsch: pommes, pommesfrites; Greek: (Velgikí) patátes tiganités {(Βελγική) πατάτες τηγανητές}, Cantonese: Shu Till; Hungarian: sult krumpli; Irish: chips; Hebrew: metuganim; Italian: patatine fritte; Indonesia: kentang goring; Japanese: furaido poteeto, furenchi furai; Korean: Gamza teekim; Latvian: (Beļģu) frī kartupeļi; Malaysian: kentang goring; Macedonian: (Belgiskiot) kartofi kompiri { (Белгискиот) картофи компири}; Norwegian: pommes frites; Filipino/tagalog: piniritong patatas, patatas na pinirito; Polish: frytki; Portugees: batatas fritas; Romania: cartofi prajiti; Russian: kartofelem fri (картофелем фри); Serbian: krompir krompir (кромпир кромпир); Slovanian: Mǎlíngshǔ shǔ tiáo (krompirček krompir); Swedish: franske Kartofler, pommes frites, strips; Chinese: Su Tiao; Thai: man fa rang tod; Dutch: patat, patat frites, Vlaamse friet; Turkish: Patates Kizartmasi; |
Shape & size | Wide: 10 and 15 mm (0.39 and 0.59 inches) |
Color | Golden brown |
Flavor/aroma | Versatile |
Taste | Crispy |
Texture | Crunchy, light |
Varieties/Types |
Major Nutritions | Total Fat (lipid) 23.87 g (68.20%) Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 61 µg (50.83%) Carbohydrate 63.24 g (48.65%) Sodium, Na 607 mg (40.47%) Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0.401 mg (30.85%) Phosphorus, P 211 mg (30.14%) Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 4.359 mg (27.24%) Copper, Cu 0.19 mg (21.11%) Potassium, K 926 mg (19.70%) Valine 0.413 g (19.55%) |
Health Benefits |
Calories in 1 serving (170 gm) | 491 Kcal. |
Precautions |
How to Eat |
Other Facts |