Health Benefits

Health benefits of False Unicorn

Health benefits of False UnicornChamaelirium luteum commonly known as False Unicorn, Blazing-Star, Devil’s Bit, False Unicorn, Fairy Wand, Helonias, Devil’s Claw, helionas dioica, helonias lutea, veratrum luteum, chamaelirium carolinianum, helionas root, blazing star root, starwort, squirrel tails, grub root, drooping starwort , rattlesnake , fairy-wand  is an herbaceous dioecious perennial plant  native to the eastern United States. It is the only member of monotypic genus, and is quite rare at the fringes of its range. It can be found in a variety of habitats, including wet meadows and deciduous woodlands. Genus name comes from the Greek words chamai meaning dwarf and lirion meaning a lily. It is used as ornamental or medical plant. The root contains high valuable substances, which have already been used as medicine by Native Americans a long time ago.

Plant Description

False Unicorn is an herbaceous dioecious perennial herb that grows about 30-100cm tall. Female stalks tend to be taller, giving a total maximum plant height of about 1.2 m, but also tend to have about ten times fewer flowers. It grows in a variety of habitats, including moist slopes, bottomlands, wet savannas, dry woods, barrens, and bluffs, typically absent from the eastern coastal plains. It also thrives in open woods and relatively open calcareous wet meadows. It prefers moist, well drained and acidic soil with high humus content. Stem is 1 to 3 feet high, simple, smooth, angular. Leaves are alternate, spatulate below, lanceolate above, radical leaves, 8 inches long, 1/2 inch wide, narrow at base and formed into a whorl.


Flowers are numerous, small, greenish white, bractless, dioecious, in a dense, terminal raceme, nodding like a plume, (1–1.5 cm diameter, 8–30 cm length), petals of such flowers narrow, stamens longer than the petals, filaments tapering; anthers terminal, two lobed; petals of female flowers linear; stamens short; ovary ovate, triangular, furrowed; stigmas three-capsule, oblong, three-furrowed, opening at summit. Flowering normally takes place from May to June. Male plants grow up to 2.5 feet tall, but female plants may grow as tall as 4 feet. Tiny flowers in spike-like terminal racemes appear in June. Flowers on the male plant grow in dense, arching, plume-like spikes (to 9” long). Flowers on the female plants are in smaller erect spikes. Female plants produce seed in 3-valved, ellipsoid capsules. The fruit is a loculicidal capsule, with several seeds appearing in each locule.


Chamaelirium luteum is used both medicinally and as an ornamental plant. Called “helonias” in the medicinal and herbal literature, C. luteum was used by American Indians and by 1917 was considered one of the more widely used domestic drugs in North America. Medicinal uses include treatment of colic, stomach ailments, indigestion, the expulsion of worms, stimulation of appetite, and a variety of ailments associated with both male and female reproductive organs. False Unicorn Root contains estrogenic compounds.

Traditional uses and benefits of False Unicorn

Ayurvedic Health benefits of False Unicorn

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