No one knows how and when he or she will become a victim of an accident and sustain a serious brain injury. It becomes a significant challenge for most victims to lead a happy and normal life after experiencing a traumatic injury in the brain. Aside from the victim, even the family members and friends suffer from terrible emotional distress and trauma.
A severe brain injury adversely impacts a victim’s physical and mental well-being in unimaginable ways. Indeed, besides effective medical treatment, which is obviously required for recovering from injuries quickly, loved ones’ care and support are something that a victim needs. Do not delay consulting a brain injury attorney if someone else is responsible for the accident and brain injury.
If you or a near and dear one of yours sustains an acute brain injury, besides immediate medical attention, ensure that the patient consumes a nutrient-rich diet. Keep reading to learn more about the vital nutrients that can help a person recover effectively and quickly from a traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Key Nutrients for a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Recovery
Vitamin E
For a long time it was considered that, unlike the other vitamins, vitamin E had no specific functions; rather it was the major lipid-soluble radical trapping antioxidant in membranes. Many of its functions can be met by synthetic antioxidants; however, some of the effects of vitamin E deficiency in experimental animals do not respond to synthetic antioxidants. More recent studies have shown that vitamin E also has roles in cell signalling, by inhibition or inactivation of protein kinase C, and in modulation of gene expression, inhibition of cell proliferation and platelet aggregation. These effects are specific for Alfa-tocopherol, and are independent of the antioxidant properties of the vitamin.
Being an antioxidant, Vitamin E plays an instrumental role in minimizing toxic chemicals in the brain, which cause neuroinflammation and oxidative stress. It is crucial to include all Vitamin E-rich foods in the regular diet to ensure that the patient recovers quickly from a severe brain injury. Some of the great sources of Vitamin E are hazelnuts and almonds, some particular seeds, wheat germ oil, and fish like salmon.
Many develop Alzheimer’s disorder after experiencing a traumatic brain injury. Therefore, to minimize any chances of such a disease, ensure that your loved one follows a Vitamin E enriched diet. This specific vitamin helps in improving memory and reducing possibilities of brain cell death.
The essential role of zinc in mammalian nutrition has been known since the 1930s. However, it was believed that human zinc nutrition was not a major public health issue due to the absence of zinc deficiency symptoms in the general population. This continued to be the case until the 1960s when human zinc deficiency was first noted in adolescents living in the Nile delta of Egypt and in rural Iran. Since these observations there has been a huge increase in the understanding of human zinc metabolism. However, there are still significant nutritional questions to be addressed including the assessment of marginal zinc status.
One of the minerals that effectively regenerates and repairs tissue is zinc. It is essential to include zinc-rich foods in a patient’s diet to expedite the recovery from a traumatic brain injury. Aside from significantly quick and effective repair of tissue in the brain, zinc is instrumental in minimizing neuroinflammation.
Ensure that the family member or friend of yours who has undergone medical treatment after sustaining a traumatic injury in the brain eats food rich in zinc. Some of the sources that contain zinc in substantial amounts are red meat, shellfish like oysters, chickpeas, eggs, nuts, dairy, lentils, and dark chocolate.
This specific mineral is also known as vitamin B3 or nicotinamide. The brain of a patient recovering from TBI requires a high level of energy to function and recover effectively. Niacinamide contributes to the chemical reactions, which mitochondria perform to produce energy in brain cells. It is imperative to eat high-quality and fresh meat and dairy products besides mushrooms and nuts to boost the brain’s recovery.
There are a few minerals as effective as magnesium. A human body requires this mineral in a decent amount as it amazingly fosters energy and sleep and balances blood sugar levels. To recover quickly from a traumatic brain injury, neurosurgeons suggest patients adhere to a magnesium enriched diet. Some of the best sources of magnesium are green vegetables, fresh fruits like berries, bananas, beans, nuts, etc.
Take immense care of your loved one while he or she recovers from a traumatic brain injury. Make sure that you people feed nutrient-rich foods to the patient to speed up recovery. Also, don’t forget to contact a professional brain injury lawyer if you know that someone else is liable for your loved one’s brain injuries.
Vitamin B-5
A strong antioxidant, stamina enhancer, and protector against stress. It helps in the synthesis of acetylcholine, is essential for the synthesis of antibodies, and is needed for the utilization of PABA and choline. Among the other benefits are the healing of wounds and minimizing the side effects of many antibiotics. According to Earl Mindell, 1000 mg twice a day with meals helps relieve the suffering from allergies. It may help promote sleep when combined with inositol.
A naturally occurring deficiency is probably extremely rare, and is characterized by blood and skin disorders, duodenal ulcers, and hypoglycemia.
Food Sources: Avocados, broccoli, chicken, egg yolks, lentils, liver and other organ meats, nuts, oats, fresh vegetables, and yeast are the best sources. Vitamin B-5 occurs in such a wide variety of foods that a deficiency is rare and, if it does occur, indicates a diet so poor that deficiency symptoms of other vitamins are also likely to be present.
Precautions: It can cause heartburn or, less frequently, cramps. Rare symptoms include hives, rash, and difficult breathing. There are no known overdose symptoms, though initial large doses can cause temporary diarrhea. Taken by itself over an extended period of time may increase the need for B-l, leading to neuritis. There is no known toxicity. It should not be taken by those who are allergic to pantothenic acid, and those with hemophilia should consult a physician first.