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Do you have trouble sleeping? You have got something special

In 2014, 45% of Americans admitted to having trouble sleeping. On average, Americans are only sleeping seven hours a night, as opposed to the recommended eight hours. Though Americans are sleeping, the quality of sleep ranges from fair to poor. In short, Americans not only need more sleep, but better sleep.

So, what can be done? Many people take prescription and over the counter sleeping medication. Melatonin has been cited as a more natural way to get a deep satisfying sleep. However, taking sleeping pills should not be the only answer. Not only are they not natural, you could be at risk of becoming dependent on them.

Thankfully, there are natural ways to get a good night’s sleep. Essential oils have been cited as one of those methods. Breathing in lavender before bed has been proven to help with insomnia and people who have trouble falling asleep. Bergamot has also been said to reduce stress and therefore, is a good essential oil to use before bed.

In order to get the most of your essential oils it’s not enough to just breathe them in, you need to diffuse them around the room as you sleep or meditate in order to take in their full effects. The essential oil diffuser nebulizer is one of the best diffusers on the market due to it’s sleek design and nanotechnology.


The essential oil diffuser nebulizer is made from aluminum and crafted in Japan. The aluminum material makes it easy to clean. You just need to use some rubbing alcohol as opposed to other diffusers where you need to use soap and water – which leaves residue in the diffuser.

This diffuser also harness nanotechnology. This new technology uses highly pressurized air to crush the oil into a fine powder that is then spread throughout the room. The essential oil diffuser nebulizer doesn’t leave wet stains or use water to diffuse oils like other brands. The nanotechnology will end up saving you money as it doesn’t use liquid to diffuse the oils, and therefore, your essential oils will last longer.

Lastly, the diffuser comes with a handy remote where you can control the frequency of diffusions and set a timer for when you want the diffusion to stop. This way, you can put it on and forget about it. Not to mention you can do all of this without ever needing to get out of bed!



The benefits of the nebulizer are endless. It saves money, keeps your mind clear, and of course, will guarantee you a peaceful night’s sleep. You’ll be able to go to bed relaxed and calm, while your diffuser does all the work and is timed perfectly so you never need to get up to turn it off. Then when you wake up, you’ll be well rested and ready to start a new day with a new bottle of one of your essential oils.



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