Persicaria maculosa, also called “Redshank” or “Lady’s-thumb,” is an ornamental plant in the same family as knotweed, renouĂ©es, and buckwheat. …
Browsing: Herbs and Spices
Health benefits using herbs and spices.
Cyperus papyrus, also called Egyptian papyrus, papyrus, or Nile grass, is a species of water flowering plant in the sedge…
Marsh pennywort, or Hydrocotyle umbellata, is a perennial aquatic plant that belongs to the Apiaceae Lindl. (Carrot) family. Its roots…
Daphne Bholua, also referred to as Himalayan Daphne or Nepalese paper plant, is a floral shrub native to the Himalayas…
Fallopia convolvulus, also known as black-bindweed or wild buckwheat, is a flowering plant species in the family Polygonaceae Juss. The…
Dalbergia cochinchinensis, also known as Thailand rosewood, Siamese rosewood, and tracwood, is a legume species belonging to the Fabaceae family.…
Carpobrotus chilensis popularly known as Chinese licorice is a species of succulent plant related to Aizoaceae Martinov (Fig-marigold family). Mesembryanthemum…
The formal name for African ebony is Diospyros crassiflora, but most people call it African Blackwood. It is a species…
The formal name for Giant Fennel is Ferula communis. It is a type of flowering plant in the same family…
Fagopyrum cymosum, also called yellow buckwheat or tall buckwheat, is a species of plant that has been grown in a…
The Moldavian dragonhead, or Dracocephalum moldavica, is an annual grass plant in the genus Dracocephalum, which has between 75 and…
Croton bonplandianus, also called Bonpland’s croton or monkey face, is a great medicine plant in the family Euphorbiaceae Juss. The…
The formal name for Coastal Pigface is Carpobrotus acinaciformis. It is a low-growing plant in the Fig-marigold family, Aizoaceae Martinov.…
Erythrina crista-galli is the formal name for the Cockspur Coral Tree or Cry-baby tree. It is a flowering tree in…
Portulaca quadrifida is a type of flowering plant in the Purslane family (Portulacaceae Dumort.) and the Portulaca genus. It is…
Rumex alpinus, also known as Alpine dock, monk’s-rhubarb, or Munk’s rhubarb, is a leafy annual plant in the buckwheat family,…
The formal name for frog fruit or fog fruit is Phyla nodiflora. It is a flowering plant with broad leaves…
The Himalayan Balsam, also called Impatiens glandulifera, is an invasive species of tall annual plant in the family Balsaminaceae A.…
Erigeron Multiradiatus, also called Himalayan fleabane, is a flowering plant species from Asia. It is a member of the Asteraceae…
The scientific name for African Mustard is Brassica tournefortii. It is a type of flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae…
The formal name for the Benghal dayflower is Commelina benghalensis. It is a species of flowering plant in the family…
The Giant Ironweed is a perennial blooming plant with the scientific name Vernonia gigantea. It is a member of the…
Indian Fleabane, scientifically known as Pluchea indica, is an extraordinary flowering plant that belongs to the esteemed Asteraceae family. The…
Melilotus Indicus, also called Sour Clover or Yellow Sweet Clover, is an interesting herb that comes from the Fabaceae Lindl.…
Scarlet Caterpillarclub fungus, also called the Cordyceps Militaris mushroom, is a unique species that belongs to the family Cordycipitaceae and…
Onion weed or Onion-leaved Asphodel scientifically known as Asphodelus Fistulosus is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the Asphodelaceae…
Toona ciliata is a large tree that loses its leaves every year. It is a member of the Mahogany family…
Kalantas also spelled calantas, scientifically known as Toona calantas, is an evergreen tree belonging to the Meliaceae family, which includes…
Kenaf, which has the formal name Hibiscus cannabinus, has been used as a fiber crop in Africa for more than…
Ammannia baccifera, also called Blistering Ammannia, is a beautiful water plant in the family Lythraceae J. St.-Hil. This exotic plant…