The name of various oleoresins allied to elemi; balsam is exuded by different species of trees found in East India,…
Browsing: Herbs and Spices
Health benefits using herbs and spices.
Sweet gum, a tree of the Witch hazel family (Hamamelidaceae), native of the eastern United States, also Mexico and Central…
This is a common weed, found in wet grounds, rich fields, swamps and ditches from New England to Missouri. Purplestem…
Spignet is also known from other common names such as Bamboo Brier, Wild Sarsaparilla, Rabbit Root, Shot Bush, Virginia Sarsaparilla,…
Coffea Canephora, or Coffea robusta, is a coffee plant that is most commonly known to grow Robusta coffee beans. It…
Sanicle, of the Parsley family, is an indigenous perennial common to the United States and Canada. The fibrous root is…
Heuchera Americana also known as known as Alum Root is one the prettiest plants for the landscape belonging to Saxifragaceae…
This plant is common to the western states of North America and a member of the Aster family. Cup plant…
Hibiscus syriacus commonly called rose of Sharon or shrub althea is a species of flowering plant in the mallow family,…
There are several kinds of Pyrola growing in North America: Green pyrola (Pyrola vivens), Pink pyrola (Pyrola asarifolia), Shin leaf…
Tall fescue scientifically known as Festuca arundinacea is a coarse textured grass tolerant to a wide variation in environmental conditions.…
A common name of shrubs and small trees of the genus Ligustrum, in the olive family (Oleaceae) comprising approximately fifty…
Our Pennyroyal (Hedeoma) should not be confused with the European Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegioides). Squaw mint is an indigenous annual plant…
Blue Lotus scientifically known as Nymphaea caerulea, sometimes also called Blue Water Lily, is a psychoactive plant belonging to Nymphaeaceae…
The genus comprises some 300 species native to Europe, North Africa, western and central Asia. Some species have escaped and…
Bougainvillea glabra, named after Louis de Bougainvillea, a French navigator who came across it in Brazil during the 18th century,…
Southern maidenhair fern with scientific name Adiantum capillus veneris, is a deciduous and clumping fern with drooping habit which grows…
Tiger Lily scientifically known as Lilium lancifolium is an introduced herbaceous perennial in the Lily family (Liliaceae). It is an…
Bushy Lippia is a Central American plant which is used by Aztac peoples as an herbal sweetener. This perennial herb…
Raphanus raphanistrum commonly known as wild radish, white charlock or jointed charlock is a flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae…
This member of the Chicory family is an indigenous perennial herb, has a smooth stem and grows 2–4 ft. high.…
An annual herb native to Europe, but has become naturalized in the northern states of the U.S.A. The American species…
An evergreen shrub common to North America and is found as far south as Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. They are low…
This is an indigenous perennial; several species grow abundantly in woods, along roadsides, prairies, beside rivers and streams throughout the…
Hound’s-tongue grows on the roadsides and waste places in both Europe and America. It is a biennial herb rough, bristly…
Indigenous, perennial plant found in high, dry places along the margins of dry woods, mostly on poor sandy soil. The…
Caucasian spinach scientifically known as Hablitzia tamnoides, the sole species in the genus Hablitzia, is an edible, herbaceous perennial plant…
Bowman’s Root is a perennial flowering plant in the rose family and is inherent to eastern United States and Canada…
Yellow Jessamine is a climbing vine inherent to the Southeastern United States. It is also known as Poor man’s rope,…
Dianthus superbus commonly known as Fringed pink or large pink is a European/Asian loosely tufted species belonging to Pink family…