Going vegan seems to be the in thing nowadays. A radical shift from a diet laden with red meat and…
Browsing: Fruits
In-depth information regarding health care benefits, with table of fruit nutrition facts of different fruits. Check out these benefits of your favorite fruits.
Image Credit: https://www.pexels.com/@mehranb Acute grief from a serious, life-shattering event like losing a loved one, narrowly surviving a natural disaster, or…
Blackthorn or sloe scientifically known as Prunus Spinosa is a low, spreading, thorny bush or small tree of the plum…
Barberry has various other names such as common barberry and European barberry. The botanical name of barberry is berberis Vulgaris…
Over the years, cases of obesity have been on the rise, affecting thousands of people from all over the world.…
Kiggelaria africana also known as the wild peach or umKokoko is a large, robust, low-branching African tree, and is currently…
[php snippet=1]A berry is a fruit developed from the ovary of a single flower, where the outer layer of the…
The genus Vaccinium comprises about 400 species, many of them found in tropical mountains. Vaccinium meridionale Swartz is a native…
Mitchella repens commonly known as partridgeberry, or Squaw Vine, is the best known plant belonging to the madder family (Rubiaceae).…
Mahonia aquifolium commonly known as Oregon-grape is a species of flowering plant of barberry family (Berberidaceae). Mahonia aquifolium is native…
Pepino melon scientifically known as Solanum muricatum is a small bush or shrub belonging to the nightshade or Solanaceae, the…
American Cranberry scientifically known as Viburnum trilobum is a species of Viburnum native to northern North America, from Newfoundland west…
Prunus serotina, commonly known as black cherry, wild black cherry, rum cherry, or mountain black cherry, is actually a medium-…
Coccoloba uvifera commonly known as sea grape, uva de playa or uvero in Spanish and raisin bord de mer in…
Date palm scientifically known as Phoenix dactylifera, is a monocot plant belonging to family Arecaceae which is cultivated in dry…
Celastrus paniculatus is actually an unarmed woody climbing shrub commonly known as Black Oil Plant, Climbing staff plant, Intellect plant,…
Acai plum scientifically known as Euterpe oleracea is a slender, multi-stemmed, monoecious palm in the Arecaceae ⁄ Palmae (Palm family)…
Maraschino cherry is believed to have originated in Oregon. But we could say that Oregon is the birthplace of modern…
Citrofortunella microcarpa, commonly known as calamondin or orange calamondin, is actually a small, bushy, evergreen tree or shrub belongs to…
Wild Honeytree scientifically known as Casearia decandra is actually a small, bushy, evergreen tree from the Flacourtiaceae (Flacourtia family). The…
Coco plum scientifically known as Chrysobalanus icaco is a slow growing tree belonging to the chrysobalanaceae family. The cocoplum plant…
Carissa carandas or Carissa congesta is a species of flowering shrub in the dogbane family, Apocynaceae. It is commonly known…
Madhuca longifolia commonly known as the Butter nut tree is a medium to large sized deciduous tree distributed in northern,…
Peanut Butter fruit, botanically known as Bunchosia argentea or Bunchosia armeniaca, is a tropical fruit tree which is a member…
Grewia asiatica also known as Falsa Fruit, a member of tiliaceae family is a small fruit crop cultivated in warmer…
Breadnut is famous with many names such as the Maya nut, Ramon. Its scientific name is Brosimum Alicastrum and is…
Borojo fruit scientifically known as Alibertia patinoi is a small dioecious rainforest tree of genus Alibertia and Rubiaceae family. The…
Baccaurea motleyana commonly known as Rambai is medium-sized tree of genus Baccaurea Lour and Euphorbiaceae (Spurge family) the same family…
Averrhoa bilimbi commonly known as bilimbi, cucumber tree is a fruit bearing tree of genus Averrhoa, family Oxalidaceae. It is…
Artocarpus lacucha, also known as monkey fruit, or Monkey Jack fruit is a tropical evergreen tree species of the Moraceae…