Health Benefits

Blackberry Facts

Blackberry FactsBlackberry is smooth, black colored fruit that looks like a raspberry, but torus differentiates the blackberry from raspberry. It is a small, sweet fruit wonderful for snacks, jams, pies, desserts.

Name Blackberry
Scientific Name Rubus fruticosus
Native Native to temperate Europe in the Northern Hemisphere.
Common/English Name Noxious Blackberry, Blackberries, Wild Blackberry, Blackberry, Bramble, Thornless Blackberries, European Blackberry, Shrubby Blackberry, Bramble Berry, Cultivated Blackberries Common Blackberry, Dewberry.
Name in Other Languages Arabic : Tût Shawkî, ‘Ullayq
Portuguese : Amora , Amora Silvestre
Esperanto : Rubuso;
Chinese : Ou Zhou Hei Mei
Slovašcina : Robida Nagubana
Gaelic : Dris
Czech : Ostružiník Křovitý, Ostružiníky
Hungarian : Feketeszeder, Földiszeder, Szeder
Dutch : Gewone Braam, Braam, Braam Sort
Greek : Vatomuro
Vietnamese : Quả Mâm Xôi (Fruit)
Slovencina : Ostružina Riasnatá
Finnish : Mustavatukka, Karhunvattu
Danish : Almindelig Brombær, Brombær
German : Brombeere, Brombeeren, Brombeerestrauch
Turkish : Alik, Böyürtlen, Böyürtlen Çalısı
Polish : Jeżyna Fałdowana, Jerzyna, Jeżyna
Icelandic : Brómber
Spanish : Zarza, Zarza Común, Zarzamora
Hebrew : Petel Shachor
Italian : Moro Delle Siepi, Mora Di Bosco
Japanese: Seiyou Abu Ichigo
Norwegian : Bjørnebær, Bjønnbær, Brandbær
India : Kaalii Anchhi, Kaalaa Jaamun ( Hindu )
Swedish : Blomsterbjörnbär, Sötbjörnbär
Estonian : Aedmurakas, Kitsemari, Pampel
Description Blackberry is an eatable fruit produced by many species in the Rubus genus in the Rosaceae family. It is globe-shaped fruit which is green while young and changes to glossy black as they ripen. Due to its sweet taste it is ideal for jams, desserts, snacks, pies.
Plant Growth Habit Perennial, semi-deciduous, prickly or thorn less scrambling, semi-prostrate to almost erect shrub
Growing Climate Sunny (full sun) to part-shaded Position, fruit development better in warm, humid positions protected from wind
Soil Well prepared, well-drained soil enriched with well-rotted manure or compost.
Plant Size 2 m high and with canes to about 7 m long.
Root Perennial root system and are branched, stout, creeping underground, growing vertically to a maximum depth of 1.5 m depending on soil type
Stem Arching, green, reddish or purple, ribbed, angled or concave, with or without hairs and grow up to seven metres long.
Leaf Comprise 3 or 5 ovate leaflets, usually are dark green on the upper surface and with many to no hairs and bears Pickles underneath, leaves have toothed edges
Flowering Season In northern hemisphere, from May to August

In southern hemisphere from November to April

Flower 2–3 cm in diameter with five white or pale pink petals with numerous stamens
Fruit shape & size Globe-shaped, about 2–3.2 mm long, 1.5–2.8 mm wide, 1–1.8 mm thick, made up of approximately twenty to fifty single-seeded drupelets
Fruit color Color green changing to straw yellow, amber, orange-red, red, reddish black, to glossy black as they ripen.
Fruit Peel Smooth and fragile skin
Fruit Taste Wonderful and sweet
Seed Seeds are normally oval, irregularly pitted,coloured light to dark brown, 2.6-3.7 mm long and 1.6-2.5 mm wide.
Varieties/Types Tupi, Jumbo, Chester, Choctaw, Bartin, Oklawaha, Bursa 1,   Arapaho,Brazos, Navaho, Thornfree, Chester Thornless, Dirksen Thornless, Ness, Loch Ness, Cherokee, Black Satin,Bursa 3, Apache, Cacanska Bestrna, Chickasaw, Flordagrand, Kiowa, Natchez,  Ouachita, Prime-Ark, Bursa 2,Prime-Jan, Prime-Jim, Shawnee, Triple Crown,
Season August-September
Major Nutritions Manganese 0.93 mg(40.43%),
Vitamin C 30.2 mg (33.56%),
Copper 0.238 mg (26.44%),
Vitamin K 28.5 µg (23.75%),
Total Dietary Fiber 7.6 g (20%),
Vitamin E 1.68 mg (11.20%),
Iron 0.89 mg (11.13%),
Carbohydrate 13.84 g (10.65%),
Vitamin B9 36 µg (9%),
Vitamin B5 0.397 mg (7.94%)
Health Benefits
  • Beneficial for brain health
  • Reduce erectile dysfunction
  • Antioxidant benefits
  • Control the buildup of LDL
  • Supports Bone Health & Prevent Osteoporosis
  • Treatment of Cancer
  • Helps Maintain Health of Gums & Teeth
  • Digestive Health
Calories in 1cup (145gm) 62
Traditional Medicinal Use
  • Flowers and fruit have been used as a remedy for venomous bites from ancient times.
  • Ancient Greeks used blackberries as a remedy for gout.
  • Fruits were used to stop looseness of the bowel and were deemed good for stone.
  • Leaves and root bark contain tannin and have long been revered as a capital astringent and tonic and valued as a remedy for dysentery and diarrhea.
  • Leaves are useful for piles and are used externally for scalds and burns.
  • In traditional Italian medicine blackberry has been used for burns.
  • Juice can be used to ease the discomfort of hemorrhoids.
  • Romans made a tea from the leaves of the Blackberry plant to treat various illnesses.
  • Cancer Patients or having a history of cancer specially stomach and colon cancer should not take extreme amounts of blackberry tea.
  • If taken in large quantities,Tannins in blackberry leaves could cause distress, nausea and vomiting.
  • Pregnant and lactating mothers may eat blackberry fruit in normal quantity but should avoid the usage of blackberry leaf tea.
  • Small children below 24 months should not be given blackberry leaf tea.
  • Blackberry leaf may result in allergic reactions which range from mild to severe.
How to Eat
  • Culinary uses in prepared foods include desserts, jams, seedless jellies, yogurt, pie fillings, crumbles and sometimes wine.
  • Blackberry flowers are excellent nectar producers, and afford a medium to dark, fruity honey.
Other Facts
  • Blackberry stems have been used by American Indians to make a strong rope.
  • Berries, leaves, roots of blackberry plant have been used to dye hair and fabrics.
  • A purple to dull blue dye is extracted from the fruit.
  • Fibre obtained from the stem are used to make twine.
  • Blackberry plant can be used to make an effective fence against humans and stock animals.



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