Genus name comes from the Greek words kyon meaning a dog and odous meaning a tooth. The plant has been considered as a sacred plant, which has great significance in Ayurveda because of its medicinal as well as clinical properties. This particular grass is loaded with medicinal uses that can be used as home remedies. It is used as antiviral and antimicrobial herb. On the other hand, some landowners consider it to be a harmful weed and expend considerable energy trying to destroy it from their lawns and garden areas.
Plant Description
Bermuda grass is a long-lived, warm season perennial, mat-forming, warm season grass that grows about 1 foot tall. The plant is very common in tropical and warm temperate regions, throughout the world. It grows along banks of backwaters, bunds of paddy fields and wastelands. It also occurs in pastures and fields and in the understory of open woods, forests, orchards, and pine plantations. Although adaptable to most soil types, Bermuda grass grows best on fertile, sandy to silty soils or alluvium soil. The plant has deep root system that can grow to over 2 meters (6.6 ft.) deep, though most of the root mass is less than 60 centimeters (24 in) under the surface. Erect stems are slightly flattened, often tinged purple in color. They are leafy, branched, and 4 to 6 inches tall. Under favorable conditions, stems may be 12 to 18 inches high. Stems are short jointed.
Leaves are greyish green color slender, sword-like, and growing to a length of about 10 to 15 centimeters with rough edges. Bermuda grass is tough, quickly recovers from damage, survives high temperature and is drought resistant; it’s practically indestructible making it a popular choice for sports fields The seed heads are produced in a cluster of two to six spikes together at the top of the stem, each spike 2–5 cm (0.79–1.97 in) long.
Types of Bermuda
A description of the most common varieties adapted to southern Missouri follows.
1. Midland
Midland is a F1 hybrid between Coastal and a winter-hardy common. It is a tall, leafy variety similar in appearance and growth to Tifton 44 but is slightly more winter hardy. It is widely used in Oklahoma, particularly the central and western parts. In eastern Oklahoma, Midland is used on lighter, well-drained, soils.
2. Hardie
Hardie is a sterile F1 hybrid that has hay production potential equal to or greater than that of Midland or Tifton 44 but has a history of thinning or loss of stand with age. This characteristic is probably due to its sensitivity to low pH (less than 5) and susceptibility to disease. In trials at the Southwest Research Center in Mt. Vernon, Missouri, stand loss was greater than 50 percent for Hardie while other varieties maintained good stands.
3. Guymon
Guymon is a variety established by seeding. It has good winter hardiness and is well adapted to the upper South. Guymon has a shorter growth habit but denser tillering than Midland, Tifton 44 and other Bermuda grasses. In Oklahoma, forage yields of Guymon have been similar to those of Greenfield.
4. Wrangler
Wrangler is a new seeded variety developed in Oklahoma. Little comparative performance information is available on Wrangler, but developers indicate that it has good winter hardiness and is expected to be adapted to the same regions as Guymon. It is predictable to have forage yield and quality close to that of Guymon.
5. Greenfield
Greenfield is widely used in southwest Missouri, northern Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma. It is a “common” type Bermuda grass that is established by sprigging. It has good cold tolerance and other adaptation features. It establishes well because of its aggressive growth and forms a relatively dense sod. It maintains good stands on a range of soil types and has overall better performance than hybrid varieties under low-yield environments. It yields less than hybrid varieties like Tifton 44 and Midland in high-yield environments.
6. Tifton 44
Tifton 44 was selected from several thousand F1 hybrids between Coastal and a winter-hardy common Bermuda grass from Berlin, Germany. It is a tall, leafy variety widely similar to Midland in appearance and growth habit. It is slightly less cold tolerant than Midland and Hardie. Tifton 44 has maintained good stands and yielded much better than Hardie at the Southwest Research Center at Mt. Vernon. It is used throughout the southeastern United States.
7. Midland 99
Midland 99 was released in spring 1999 by the Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas and Arkansas agricultural experiment stations and the USDA Agricultural Research Service. It is a fairly cold-tolerant hay-type variety similar in appearance and growth habit to Midland and Tifton 44. Dry matter yields of Midland 99 are higher than those for Tifton 44. Midland 99 and Tifton 44 have similar forage quality.
8. Quick stand
Quick stand is a short-growing, winter-hardy variety used for turf, erosion control and pasture. It has aggressive growth and forms a more dense sod than the hay type varieties like Tifton 44 and Midland. Quick stand forage yields in Oklahoma have been similar to those of Greenfield, and less than those of Tifton 44, Midland and Midland 99.
9. World Feeder
World Feeder is a proprietary patented variety of Agricultural Enterprises Corp., Oklahoma City. Extensive testing in Oklahoma and other states indicates World Feeder to be moderately winter hardy and well adapted to the northern half of the Bermuda grass belt, but not superior in forage yield or forage quality to standard varieties. In Oklahoma, forage yields of World Feeder have been equal to, or less than, those of Greenfield and Quick stand. It has yielded substantially less than Tifton 44, Midland and Midland 99.
Health benefits of Bermuda grass
Bermuda grass is considered a sacred plant in India. Cynodon dactylon has been used as a traditional herb in ayurvedic medicine, the clinical properties of this grass makes it a popular natural aid for better health. It is rich in calcium, phosphorus, fiber, potassium and protein which bestow a wide range of health benefits. Here are few reasons why this grass is far healthier than your think
1. Controls sugar
Several researches have proved that Cynodon dactylon has hypoglycemic effect thus helpful in managing of blood sugar levels and decreases fatigue. Bermuda grass is also beneficial in prevention of disorders and conditions associated with diabetes. Bermuda grass juice along with neem leaf juice is wonderful in normalizing blood sugar level. Even for chronic diabetes, the drinking of Bermuda grass juice keeps the sugar levels in control. Consuming the juice in empty stomach in the morning is good in normalizing the sugar level.
2. Boost immunity
Bermuda grass is used to enhance immunity of the body. It consists of bio-chemical compound called cynodon dactylon protein fractions (cdpf), which helps to boost immunity of the body. It is effortlessly available and affordable immune booster and energizer. CDPF promotes immune-modulation by helping the body and optimizing the immune system. The antiviral and anti-microbial activity of bermuda grass aids in enhancing the immune health and fighting against various diseases.
3. Relieves oral problems
Bermuda grass is packed with healthy nutrients called flavonoids that possess antiulcer activity thus preventing against ulcers. It helps in fighting against cold and also aids in reducing phlegm. This grass not only helps in treatment of bleeding gums but also combats bad odor (halitosis) from mouth.
4. Cures constipation
Bermuda grass is quite beneficial for curing stomach related problems. Drinking the juice of Bermuda grass with water is helpful to detoxify the body by releasing toxins from the body. It is good for acidity and normal the bowel movement thus beneficial for constipation. It encourages regular bowel movement.
5. Bleeding of gums
Bermuda grass is effective in curing all oral related health problems. It consists of sufficient amount of alkaloids called flavonoids, which acts against ulcer. Taking of Bermuda grass reduces the formation of phlegm and prevents gums related problems. Bermuda grass strengthens the teeth and fortifies the teeth.
6. Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, and solves menstrual problems
Bermuda grass is good for urinary tract infections. When the grass juice is taken with yogurt shows good result for them who are suffering from piles and vaginal discharge. Bermuda grass is a good herbal remedy for Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). It is effective in case of prolonged menstrual duration. It is recommended that to control heavy menstrual period, one has to take the juice of bermuda grass and honey 3-4 times a day.
7. Improves digestion
Digestive and stomach complications are quite common in this day due to unhealthy eating and increased susceptibility to diseases. But with continuous use of Bermuda grass, one can lower their risk of stomach ailments in addition to improving digestion and bowel movements and curing constipation. It acts as a natural detoxifier eliminating toxins from the body and also reduces acidity.
8. Treats acidity
Bermuda grass is good in curing acidity. To treat acidity, take juice of Cynodon dactylon (3-4 tsp) and water (1 glass) on empty stomach in the morning. This mix is quite effective not only for acidity but also beneficial for stomach ulcer, colitis, and stomach infections. For stomach pain, it is recommended that one should drink Bermuda grass juice (3-4 tsp) and little amount of ginger powder on empty stomach in the morning. It increases the alkaline properties because of its alkaline nature and reduces acidity. With continuous use of Bermuda grass, one can lower their risk of stomach ailments in addition to improving digestion and bowel movements and curing constipation.
9. Cures eye infection and stops nose bleeding
Applying the juice of Bermuda grass over the affected eye region is good in overcoming eye infections. If somebody experiencing nose bleeding, Cynodon dactylon is effective in stopping of it. For this, one has to put 2 drops of Bermuda grass juice on the bleeding nostril.
10. Obesity
Bermuda grass is good to control obesity and helps in weight loss. It is recommended that one should take juices of Bermuda grass twice a day to get good result. Prepare a decoction of Bermuda grass (3tsp), black peppers (4-6 in no.) and pinch of cumin. It is recommended that one should take it twice a day with coconut water or butter milk.
11. Cures skin problems
Being a powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent, Bermuda grass is widely used in treatment of various skin problems like itching, skin rashes and eczema. Make a paste of this grass by mixing with turmeric powder and apply this paste externally on the skin to get rid of skin issues. It is also used as a natural remedy to treat skin diseases like leprosy and scabies.
12. Purifies blood
Bermuda grass acts as a natural blood purifier and also helps in maintaining alkalinity of blood. It is very effective in limiting loss of blood due to injury, nosebleed or excessive menstrual blood flow. It increases the production of red blood cells which in turn increases hemoglobin levels in the body and thus prevents from anemia.
Traditional uses and benefits of Bermuda grass
- Bermuda grass is reported to be alterative, anabolic, antiseptic, aperient, astringent, cyano-genetic, demulcent, depurative, diuretic, emollient, sudorific, and vulnerary.
- Decoction of the root is used as a diuretic in the treatment of dropsy and secondary syphilis.
- An infusion of the root is used to stop bleeding from piles.
- Juice of the plant is astringent and is applied externally to fresh cuts and wounds.
- When mixed with the powder of a clove (Syzygium aromaticum), it is used as an anthelmintic.
- Internally, it is used in the treatment of chronic diarrhea and dysentery.
- It is also useful in the treatment of catarrhal ophthalmia.
- Juice is also diuretic and is used in the treatment of dropsy and anasarca.
- Leaf juice has also been used in the treatment of hysteria, epilepsy and insanity.
- Plant is a folk remedy for anasarca, calculus, cancer, carbuncles, convulsions, cough, cramps, cystitis, diarrhea, dropsy, dysentery, epilepsy, headache, hemorrhage, hypertension, hysteria, insanity, kidneys, laxative, measles, rubella, snakebite, sores, stones, tumors, uro-genital disorders, warts, and wounds.
- Bermuda grass is best remedy in oral problems. It helps to stop bleeding gums, makes the teeth strong and removes the bad breathe.
- Paste of Bermuda grass is beneficial in curing foot cracks.
- Paste of Bermuda grass along with turmeric powder is the best medicine for treating skin infections like eczema and scabies.
- Cut the grass and boil it in water along with white pepper. This warm mixture is very useful in curing urinary tract infection and anal itch.
- Drinking 10ml of the fresh juice extracted from Bermuda grass daily helps in increasing the strength and functioning of the joints.
- Bermuda grass along with sesame and the flowers of Lucas aspera made into a paste using milk and butter should be applied on the diabetic carbuncles.
Ayurvedic Health benefits of Bermuda grass
- Prickly Heat: Make a paste of Conch Grass by adding little water in it. Apply to the affected area.
- Bleeding Piles: Crush two table spoon of Conch Grass. Add one cup of cow’s milk. Boil on low flame for 15 minutes. Strain. Drink.
- Eye Diseases: Extract the juice of Cynodon Dactylon grass, by crushing it. Apply it over your infected Eye.
- Nose Bleed: Put 2 drops of Cynodon Dactylon grass juice in each nostril. It stops bleeding.
- Heavy menstrual Bleeding: Mix Bermuda juice with Honey in 2:1 ratio. Consume 2 tsp of it twice a day. Use it during your Menstrual Cycle.
- Stress: Apply Bermuda paste on the sole of feet. OR: Walk barefoot over Bermuda grass.
- Skin Diseases: Grind Bermuda grass along with Turmeric to make paste. Apply it over infected Skin. Turmeric has Antiseptic property, which helps in fast healing.
- Nervine: Regular intake of Bermuda juice helps in increasing the strength of Nervous System.
- Blood Cancer: Take 2 tablespoons of Bermuda juice thrice a day
- Digestive disorders: Prepare a decoction of Bermuda. Have 2 teaspoons once a day.
- Urinary tract Infections: Take one teaspoon crushed Bermuda grass. Boil in half cup of water until it remains half. Add a pinch White Pepper and one teaspoon of butter. Have it once a day
- Diabetes: Extract the juice of Bermuda grass. Take one teaspoon with Honey once a day.
- Leucorrhoea: Extract the juice of Bermuda grass. Take one teaspoon with Honey once a day.
- Anuria: Consume 20 ml root decoction of Bermuda once a day.
- Edema: Prepare root decoction of Bermuda grass. Have 10 ml of it twice a day.
- Syphilis: Add half tsp dried root powder of Bermuda grass in a cup of boiled water. Drink it twice a day.
- Vomiting: Make an infusion using fresh grass of Bermuda grass. Drink it twice a day.
- Water Retention: Boil 2 teaspoons of dried Bermuda grass in 200 ml of water for 5 minutes. Steep it for another 10 minutes. Strain it. Drink it twice daily.
- Piles: Take One tablespoon Balloon Vine seeds, 2 Peppers and 2 tablespoon Bermuda grass. Grind with 2 tablespoons Butter. Mix the paste in one glass butter milk and drink on an empty stomach every morning.
- Headache: Make a paste of Bermuda grass, Cucumber leaves, Garlic and Rice. Slightly warm the mixture and apply on the forehead.
- Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: Take Bermuda grass and Pomegranate tender leaves in equal quantity. Boil for 15-20 minutes. Strain. Cool. Have 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.
- Diarrhea: Take three table spoon pulp of Winter Melon. Add Bermuda grass in equal quantity. Prepare a decoction. Have ½ cup two times a day.
- Urinary tract Infections: Make a paste of Bermuda grass with Stone Breaker in 2:1 ratio. Drink with one cup butter milk in the morning.
- Phlegm: Crush two – three tablespoon of Bermuda grass with ten-twelve Black Pepper. Prepare a decoction. Have 1/2 cup a day.
- Obesity: Prepare a decoction by adding 2-3 tablespoon of Bermuda grass, 4-6 Black Peppers, and pinch of Cumin. Take two times a day with coconut water or Butter milk.
- Wounds: Take two tablespoon of Bermuda grass and 1/2 tablespoon of Garlic. Make a fine paste. Bandage.
- Blood Purifier: Take Bermuda grass, Betel and Black Pepper powder in 4:2:1 ratio. Make decoction with it. Drink 20 ml of it once a day.
- Cold: Take fresh leaves of Chirreta, Vetiver and Bermuda grass. Make its decoction. Drink 30 ml once a day.
- High Cholesterols: Crush grass of Bermuda grass to make paste. Take 1 tsp of the paste with 1 Black Pepper and quarter tsp Cumin seeds. Have it once a day with Coconut Milk.
- Water Retention: Put 1 to 2 leaves of blackberry, 1 bunch Parsley, ½ teaspoon Celery, 1 to 2 chopped leaves Dandelion, 10 stems of Cherry, ½ to 1 teaspoon Corn Silk, ½to 1 teaspoon of Fennel Seeds and ½ to 1 teaspoon of Bermuda grass in a pot containing 1 liter of boiling water. Simmer it for 15 to 20 minutes. Strain this decoction. Drink this tea thrice a day.
- Piles: Make a paste of the grass and take it with curd. Make paste of leaves and apply on anus. It will be useful for treatment of piles.
- Bleeding Piles: Take cow ghee and mix it with an extract of this grass and apply on the affected part to get relief.
- Problem related to urination: Make tea of roots of this grass and drink 30 ml in sips.
- Headaches: Take equal quantity of grass and lime and make a paste with water. Apply paste on the forehead and get instant relieve.
- Eye diseases: Make a paste of Bermuda grass and apply on eyelids. This will be very useful in stopping dirt coming out of the eyes.
- Stomach-related diseases: Intake of five gram of Bermuda grass and water is very useful to control vomiting.
- Diarrhea: Drink extract of fresh Bermuda grass is useful in controlling diarrhea.
- Metrorrhagia: Mix powder of white sandal and rock sugar in the juice of the grass and give the intake to the patient. It will be very useful.
- Miscarriage: The use of this grass is very useful. It also gives strength and nutrition to uterus. White grass reduces both sperm and sexual prowess.
- Nose-related problems: Take pomegranate flower extract and mix it with Bermuda grass extract. Pour one to two drops in nostrils. If one smells Bermuda grass Swaras, it will be very useful. Drop one to two drops of Swaras in nostrils to prevent instant bleeding.
- Mouth-related sores: If one rinses one’s mouth with Bermuda grass tea, it can be very useful in curing mouth ulcers
- Acidity: Take juice of Bermuda grass (3-4 tsp) and water (1 glass) empty stomach in the morning. This mix is quite effective not only for acidity but also beneficial for stomach ulcer, colitis, and stomach infections.
- Controls sugar: Bermuda grass juice along with neem leaf juice is good in normalizing blood sugar level.
- Nose bleeding: Put 2 drops of Bermuda grass juice on the bleeding nostril.
- Stomatitis: Gargling with the Bermuda grass decoction is beneficial for stomatitis.
- Vomiting: Consuming 5 ml of Bermuda grass juice is beneficial for vomiting.
- Ascites: Paste prepared from Bermuda grass and black pepper when consumed 3 times a day before meal is considered beneficial for ascites.
- Diarrhea: Juice from Bermuda grass is considered beneficial for overcoming Diarrhea.
- Dysentery: Consuming 10-30 ml Bermuda grass decoction is beneficial for Dysentery.
- Stones: Paste prepared from Bermuda grass in 30 ml water when consumed two times a day is beneficial for eliminating stones.
- Urinary Problems: Consuming 10-30 ml Bermuda grass root decoction is beneficial for solving all urinary problems.
- Blood in urine: Juice prepared from Bermuda grass and rock sugar when consumed frequently is beneficial for curing blood in urine.
- Urinary disorders: Juice prepared from 1-2 gram Bermuda grass and milk when consumed is effective for urinary disorders.
- Itching: Paste prepared from Bermuda grass and turmeric when applied over ring worm helps to relieve itching.
- Eczema: Bermuda grass is cooked in oil. And this oil when applied over affected area helps to get relief from Eczema.
How to Consume Bermuda grass
The great thing about Bermuda grass is, it grows all over the world and its free food! If you grow it of course, but now it has become easily accessible in the form of seeds, powder, and even supplements.
Bermuda grass can be consumed as a juice or as a spice for cooking. In order to make Bermuda grass juice; take a large amount of washed Bermuda grass without the roots and add coconut or filtered water, then use a blender to mix together.
Drink the juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach every day.
Other facts
- Plants are sometimes grown as a cover for warm sunny banks and are sometimes used for lawns.
- Bermuda grass is used as a turf grass for lawns, athletic fields, and golf courses.
- It provides good initial erosion control as well as high forage quality.
- Bermuda grass has good forage value for cattle, and is acceptable for sheep.
- It is suitable for lawns and public areas, and is recommended for problem soils and heavy traffic areas.
- Bermuda grass is reported to be photo sensitizing in animals.
- Under certain environmental conditions the plant can produce hydrocyanic acid and so is potentially toxic to livestock.
- Plant is also said to cause contact dermatitis and, with its high production of pollen, can be a major cause of hay fever.
Bermuda Grass Quick Facts | |
Name: | Bermuda Grass |
Scientific Name: | Cynodon dactylon |
Origin | Middle East from where it later spread to Bermuda and North America |
Colors | Greyish green (Leaves) |
Shapes | Slender, sword-like, growing to a length of about 10 to 15 centimeters with rough edges (Leaves) |
Taste | Astringent, sweet |
Health benefits | Controls sugar, Boost immunity, Relieves oral problems, Cures constipation, Bleeding of gums, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, and solves menstrual problems, Improves digestion, Treats acidity, Cures eye infection and stops nose bleeding, Obesity,Cures skin problems, Purifies blood |
Name | Bermuda Grass |
Scientific Name | Cynodon dactylon |
Native | Middle East from where it later spread to Bermuda and North America |
Common Names | Australian couch, Bahamas grass, Bermuda grass, Bermuda grass, Common bermuda grass, Couch grass, Devilgrass, Devil’s grass, Dhoub grass, Indian doab, Quick grass, Scutch grass, Star grass, Indian Couch, common couch, green couch, plain couch, Balama grass, dog’s tooth grass, grama, hariali grass, Indian doob, plain couch, chiendent pied-de-poule, Cocksfoot-grass, Common quick grass, ziba grass |
Name in Other Languages | Afrikaans: Gewonekweek, Kweekgras Angola: Usila Arabic: Earaq alnajil, alnajil ( عرق النجيل, النجيل), Najeel, theel, bihbal, eawayl (بحبل، عويل), takabalat (takblt), mudid (mudyd) ( تكبلت (تَكبلت)، مديد (مُديد), mdad (midad), matit (mutyt) (مداد (مِداد)، مطيط (مُطيط), najil (najyl) (نجيل (نَجيل), najil bildaa (nijyl balada), nashil (nishyl) (نجيل بلدى (نِجيل بَلَدى)، نشيل (نِشيل) Argentina: chepica brava; grama bermuda; gramón; pasto de perro; pasto forestal; pata de perdiz; pie de gallina; tejedora; uña de gato Bengali: Dūrbā (দূর্বা) Bontoc: Babbalut Brazil: Capim de burro, capim-bermuda, capim-fino, grama rasteteira, grama sao paulo, grama seda Burmese: Mye sa myet Cambodia: Smao anchien Catalan: Agram, Gram, Grama Chile: Pasto de galina Chinese: Bǎi mù dá cǎo (百慕达草), Gǒu yá gēn (狗牙根), Xián shā cǎo (咸沙草), Pá gēn cǎo (爬根草), Bàn gēn cǎo (绊根草) Colombia: Pasto Cuba: Grama, hierba de la Bermuda, hierba fina Czech: Troskut prstnatý Danish: Bermudagræs Dominican Republic: Grama fina de Bermudas Dutch: Handjesgras Egypt: Negil El Salvador: Barenillo, zacate de agujilla English: Australian couch, Bahamas grass, Bermudagrass, Bermuda grass, Common bermudagrass, Couch grass, Devilgrass, Devil’s grass, Dhoub grass, Indian doab, Quick grass, Scutch grass, Star grass, Indian Couch, common couch, green couch, plain couch, Balama grass, dog’s tooth grass, grama, hariali grass, Indian doob, plain couch, chiendent pied-de-poule, Cocksfoot-grass, Common quick grass, ziba grass Fijian: Kabuta, kambuta, balama grass Filipino: Kawad-kawaran Finnish: Varvasheinä, Sormiheinä French: Agrostide de Schleicher, Agrostide des Alpes, Cynodon dactyle, Chiendent, Chiendent amélioré, Chiendent dactyle, Chiendent pied-de-poule, Grand chiendent, Gros chiendent, Herbe des Bermudes, cynodon dactyle German: Bermudagras, Finger-Hundszahn, Gewöhnliches Hundszahngras, Hundszahngras, Hundszahn-Gras, Echte-Hundsahn, Fingerförmiges Hundszahngras, Gemeines Hundszahn-Gras Greek: Agriáda (Aγριάδα), Agriádes (Aγριάδες) Hawaiian: Mānienie, mānienie haole, mahiki Hebrew: Yablith (יַבְּלִית), Yabbelit metzuya (יַבְּלִית מְצוּיָה) Hindi: Baramuḍā grāsa (बरमुडा ग्रास), Dūba ghāsa (दूब घास), Dūrvā (दूर्वा), Kā’uca grāsa (काउच ग्रास), dhub, doob, dub, arugampul, hariali Hungarian: Csillagpázsit I-Kiribati: Te uteute Iloko: Galud-galud Indonesia: Gigirintingan, jukut kakawatan, jukut raket Iran: Chair Iraq: Thayyel Israel: Yableet matsui Italian: Capriola, Gramigna commune, gramina Japanese: Baamyudaa gurasu (バー ミューダ グラス), Gyougishiba (ギョ ウギ シバ), Gyōgi shiba ( 行儀芝) Java: Grintingan, hoe maneek, suket grinting Khmer: Smao anchien Korean: U san jan di (우산잔디) Laotian: Hnha:z ph’è:d Lebanon: Irk-en-najil, shirch-un unjil Malay: Rumput bermuda, Rumput minyak, Rumput grinting, Sukit grinting Malayalam: Belikaruka (ബലികറുക), Karuka (കറുക), karukapullu Malaysia: Rumput minak Mangarevan: Matie Maori (Cook Islands): Matie ‘enua Nauruan: Ibugibugi Mexico: Agrasia Morocco: Mor-chiendent Myanmar: Mye-sa-myet, mye-za-gyi Netherlands: Hondsgrass New Zealand: Indian doab Niuean: Mosie molulu, motie molulu Nepalese: Dubo, Panjaa, Seto duvo, Newari: Situu Occitan: Agram, Gram, Grame, Gramenàs Oriya: Duba (ଦୁବ), Duba ghasa (ଦୁବ ଘାସ) Pakistan: Khabbal, talla Peru: Grama dulce Philippines: Babalut, galud-galud, kawad-kawaran, kulatai Puerto Rico: Ala quete queda, pelo de brujas, pepe ortis, yerba Bermuda Portuguese: Capim coastcroass, Capim-Bermuda, Capim-de-burro, Grama bermuda, Grama-paulista, Grama-seda, mate-me-embora Russian: Svinoroy pal’chatyj (Свинорой пальчатый) Sanskrit: Anantha, Bhargavi, Durva (दूर्वा), Golomi, Neel durva, Ruha (रुहा), Samanya durva (सामान्य दूर्वा), Sathaparvika, Sathaveerya, Tiktaparvan (तिक्तपर्वन्), shakulaakshak (शकुलाक्षक ) Zakulaksaka Saudi Arabia: Nageel South Africa: Gewone kweekgras Spanish: Cama de niňo, Chepica brava, Grama, grama Bermuda , Grama brava, Grama común, Grama de España, Grama dulce, Grama rastera, Gramilla, Gramilla blanca , Gramilla brava, Gramilla Italiana, Gramón, Hierba Bermuda, Hierba fina, Paja de la virgen, Palo delgado, Pasto Argentina, Pasto Bermuda, Pasto de gallina, Pasto de las Bermudas, Pata de perdiz, Pelo de conejo, Zacate agrarista, Zacate agujilla, Zacate alicia, Zacate de Bermuda, Zacate de conejo, Zacate de gallina, Zacate estrella, Zacate gallina Sri Lanka: Aruham-pul, buha Sudan: Nagila Sundanese: Gigirinling, Jukut kakawatan Suriname: Tigriston Swedish: Bermudagräs, Hundtandsgräs. Tagalog: Bakbaka, Kapot-kapot, Kawad-kawad, Kawad-kawaran, Kulatai Taiwan: Gou-ya-gen Tamil: Arugampul, Aṟukampul (அறுகம்புல்), Aruvampillu, Arugam Pillu Thai: Ya phaet, H̄ỵ̂ā phærk (หญ้า แพรก) Yâa prâek (Ya phraek) Tongan: Musie vai Turkish: Bermuda çimi, Köpek dişi ayrığı, Köpek dişi yrığı Tuvaluan: Mouku Unidentified: Arampandrotra, Fandrahana, Fandrotsana, Fandropalana, Fandrotrarana, Kindres Venezuela: Pasto pata de gallina Vietnamese: Cỏ Bermuda, Cỏ chỉ, Cỏ chỉ trắng, Cỏ chỉ – mùa khô, Cỏ chỉ – mùa mưa, Cỏ gà Visayan: Kapot-kapot Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro): Zubaca Zambia: Kapinga |
Plant Growth Habit | Long-lived, warm season perennial, mat-forming, warm season grass |
Growing Climates | Very common in tropical and warm temperate regions, throughout the world. It grows along banks of backwaters, bunds of paddy fields and wastelands. It also occurs in pastures and fields and in the understory of open woods, forests, orchards, and pine plantations |
Soil | Although adaptable to most soil types, Bermuda grass grows best on fertile, sandy to silty soils or alluvium |
Plant Size | 1 foot |
Root | Deep root system that can grow to over 2 meters (6.6 ft.) deep, though most of the root mass is less than 60 centimeters (24 in) under the surface |
Stem | Erect stems are slightly flattened, often tinged purple in color.They are leafy, branched, and 4 to 6 inches tall. Under favorable conditions, stems may be 12 to 18 inches high. Stems are short jointed. |
Leaf | Greyish green color slender, sword-like, growing to a length of about 10 to 15 centimeters with rough edges |
Flowering Periods | August to October |
Seed head | Seed heads are on 1-3 inch (3-7 cm) spikes and are themselves about 2 inches long. |
Taste | Astringent, sweet |
Plant Parts Used | Whole plant, rhizomes, root |
Available Forms | Juice, powder, supplements and spice |
Season | September to October |
Varieties |
Health Benefits |