Author: Richard

When it comes to facing health issues, women have been found to be more susceptible to several illnesses and diseases when compared to men. In fact, many illnesses have been found to only concern women- cervical cancer, menopause, pregnancy, and cancer. Even if you look at other illnesses and health issues, which are common to both men and women, here too, women fare worse. According to the World Health Organization, every one in four women, which lose their life in the United States owe it to a heart condition. Likewise, psychologists have stated that women are more prone to mental…

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The plank exercise is very universal: it helps to make the waist thin, the stomach flat, and the back straight. And in just a few minutes a day! The plank (emphasis on arms and legs) is very popular and in various variations is found in almost all types of fitness. This is not a new invention: it was part of the training plan of Roman gladiators and ancient Greek athletes, it is actively used in yoga. Now the statement is popular that it is enough to perform this exercise alone to work out all the muscles of the body. Of course, this is too…

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Testosterone is considered to be the “male” hormone that is produced by the testes in men. Testosterone is responsible for several primary and secondary sexual characteristics in men and is also a contributing factor to a healthy libido in men. It is also known to regulate sex drive and sperm production in males. The normal range of testosterone in males ranges from 270-1070 ng/dl with an average level of 679 ng/dl. A simple blood test can reveal the testosterone level in men. Out of the vast number of foods that lower testosterone in men, here are a few: Foods That…

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Snoring is the hoarse sound that occurs when air passes through the tissues in the throat, causing the tissues to vibrate as we breathe. While most people snore at some point in their life or the other, for some people it can be a chronic problem. There are multiple myths about snoring, such as snoring is equivalent to deep and restful sleep, or that drinking coffee can cause snoring. Contrary to popular belief, coffee doesn’t cause snoring. But it can keep you awake due to the caffeine content, based on the type of coffee you consume. Top 7 Causes of…

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When it comes to your work, you have to make sure that you are doing everything right to enhance your productivity at work. However, many people underestimate the role of a healthy body in helping you perform well at your workplace. If you are one of those people who love their work and have very ambitious goals, but not taking care of their health, then this blog is just the thing that you need to read. You may have heard that a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. So, if you want to make sure that you perform well…

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Look Good – Feel Good – In 2018 the UK’s beauty products and services industry was worth £28.4 billion, a figure that relates to 1.3% of the UK’s total GDP. So, what does this tell us? What it tells us is, a great many of us take a lot of pride in the way we look. This is especially true when it comes to our skin. Whether we are trying to mask some slight imperfections or blemishes or trying to cover up those wrinkles and unsightly bags under the eyes that come with age, one thing for sure, we all…

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Pulled pork is a South-American dish that uses the pork shoulder, more or less 4 pounds at least, to make this delicacy. The best part about this cuisine is, it can be made from an inexpensive part of the meat and can be cooked in large quantities, perfect for serving at BBQ dinner parties, gatherings, or any big occasions such as Thanksgiving. Steps to Cook Pulled Pork It’s very easy to cook and here we’ll show you how to make the pulled pork using 4 different methods: oven, stovetop, smoker, and slow-cooker. However, one downfall to preparing this dish is…

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Life has become harder during this COVID 19 situation. All your daily works have shrunken to homebound activities. And yet you need to control your diabetes. You can also check online that sell Dexcom supplies or diabetic test strips to monitor your blood sugar. Well, don’t panic. There is a way out. In fact, staying home doesn’t cause your diabetes to get worse at all if you follow some simple rules and routines. Let’s get started. Get Your Food Habits in Favour Low Glycaemic Index: Probably you have heard a lot about the foods that help you stay safe from diabetes. The…

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If you’re going bald, it’s time to stop pretending like nothing is happening and finally do something about it. The only question is, what do you do? Understanding Male Pattern Baldness Perhaps you’ve seen the statistics before. By the age of 35, two in every three men will have some degree of hair loss. And by age 50, 85 percent of men will have significantly thinning hair. (Shockingly, a quarter of all men experience balding before reaching their 21st birthday.) And do you know what the most common cause is? In 95 percent of all cases, male pattern baldness (or…

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The retail market has taken a massive hit during 2020. With many countries closing shops and businesses to stem the spread of covid-19, high streets have been empty. The same cannot be said for online retail, which has undergone something of a boom during the past few months. Many top brands have seen the benefits of Direct to Customer (D2C) retailing. During the crisis they have had to resort to online, direct selling to stay afloat. The question is, will they continue to sell in this manner when things eventually return to normal? The benefits of D2C retailing are plentiful.…

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Biltong has become all the rage in savory snacking—but, what is it? Biltong is dried meat, either made from beef, poultry, fish, or other game meats. It’s flavored and air-dried, making it a denser and richer cured meat than you’ve had before. That being said, what can biltong be paired with? While biltong is delicious as a snack of its own, it can also be enjoyed in many different biltong recipe options, including stews, sandwiches, and frittatas, among many others. And, another great benefit of utilizing biltong in your meals is that it’s made from all-natural ingredients and contains no…

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Insomnia greatly affects your physical and mental state, given that it hinders your body’s ability to repair your cardiovascular system. People suffering from sleeping conditions also have fragile mental states because of their inability to concentrate, mood swings, and memory loss. Chronic sleep deprivation also leads to a lot of ailments, including heart diseases, weak lungs, diabetes, and susceptibility to cancer and other debilitating ailments. It also affects your endocrine system, which regulates testosterone production among males. The amount of sleep required for a person depends on his/her age. Growing children are required to have at least eight hours of…

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With the global coronavirus pandemic changing the world as we know it and fires wreaking havoc around the country recently, the topic of health and immunity has been front of mind for many of us. Thankfully, there are things we can do to improve our immune systems, so we’re less likely to get ill and feel crappy. For instance, we can eat healthily, reduce stress, exercise often, and take natural supplements for immune support. Add these steps up, and you should boost your immunity noticeably. However, it’s also wise to get to know your body better so that ill health…

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In bodybuilding, the army barbell press is considered not only one of the most useful basic exercises, but also the best choice for building a powerful shoulder girdle. The movement involves a huge amount of muscle fibers and allows you to constantly progress. The bench press requires careful observance of the correct technique for performing and understanding the mechanics of the exercise itself. In this article, we will consider not only all the nuances and options of the military press but also the main technical features and rules of this exercise. The benefits and features of shoulder to overhead press It’s worth starting…

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Many people think that carbs are harmless to the body, and they don’t realize that it’s damaging. You see, the human body has a very complex system for controlling blood sugar levels, and this can be dangerous if your body has too much carbs. If you want to know the truth about carbs, then keep reading. 1. Carbohydrates Spike Blood Sugar The first thing to know about carbs is that they cause blood sugar levels to go way out of whack. It causes your body to store excess sugar as fat so you’ll end up gaining weight when you’re not…

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Wondering how to get your heart rate up at home? These heart-pumping exercises will make you feel and look amazing, all without leaving home [9 workouts!] Getting heart-smart is a great way to improve your overall health. You can lose weight, increase fat burn, and boost circulation with a solid cardio workout. When you’re working out to bump your target heart rate into the right zone, it’s a cardio exercise. And cardio exercises are what we’re talking about here today. These are some of the best workouts to do at home, too! You don’t need expensive gym equipment to reap…

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Slip and fall injuries are common. However, there are times that people may slip or fall from no fault of another. However, if you’re in a property and the slip and fall accident was due to negligence and poor-quality safety standards, it’s a different story because it can be a legal matter. Once you get injured in a certain property, the owner has legal responsibilities on your injuries. For you to get compensation, just make sure to prove the owner’s negligence. If it’s too complicated for you, hiring a slip and fall accident lawyer may be beneficial for you. Below…

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Tired of remaining stuck at home during the pandemic, doing nothing? Then it’s time to get into some action and make exercise a part of your routine. Home workouts are as effective as gymming hour long with heavy equipment. All you need to do is get the right technique and perform a full range of motion. Here are some tips for your workout routine to help you keep going and come out fit post-pandemic period. Know that consistency as well as commitment are the key to achieve your fitness goals. Check out DG Athlete for more information on home workouts…

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Oral rehydration solution (ORS) is given to dehydrated patients that are usually caused by diarrhea. This therapy aims to replace lost fluid in the body to prevent or treat dehydration. Oral rehydration solution is a combination of water, modest salts (potassium and sodium), and sugar. What are the important benefits of taking oral rehydration solutions? Find out how ORS can help you attain overall health and fitness by reading below. 1. Provide Adequate Body Hydration The main purpose of giving oral rehydration solution is to hydrate the body. Ideally, the body’s water intake must compensate for water loss through the…

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For many people, our eyelids start to sag as we advance in age. This can cause a tired appearance and even reduce peripheral vision. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to improve the functionality and appearance of your eyelids. To avoid eye issues caused by heavy eyelids, there are some helpful remedies you can use each day at home. In this article, we’ll discuss the factors that are responsible for sagging eyelids and what you can do to remedy the situation. Factors That Can Cause Heavy Eyelids There are many factors that can cause heavy eyelids, particularly as…

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Probiotics are a great way to increase the beneficial bacteria in your body. You can greatly increase the beneficial bacteria in your body by eating foods rich in probiotics. Certain foods contain probiotics and can benefit your microbiome and your overall health. Probiotics are known as good bacteria because certain probiotic foods aid digestion and can contribute to a healthier gut flora. Probiotics are found in supplements and certain food products. Health providers often recommend probiotics foods like yogurt and cheese to help solve various digestive problems and improve the immune system. Fortunately, you can introduce probiotic foods to your…

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Most acupuncture training schools give their students basic training in running a business, but if you really want to be successful in this field, you are going to need more than basic business sense. There are some trade secrets you cannot learn in the classroom, but the lessons ultimately help you build your practice. Here are a few things you won’t learn in acupuncture training school. You have to pick a specialty You’ve probably trained in every kind of acupuncture when you were in school. While it’s good to have basic knowledge of various subspecialties like acupressure and cosmetic acupuncture,…

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People have a wide range of questions about the fat burning foods they should include in their diet. While some people don’t have any idea what these foods are, others are curious on how these foods work to burn fat in the body. If you’re in the same dilemma, this article can help you understand these things, so it’ll be easier for you to come up with an effective diet. With the number of foods available in the market today, choosing what to include in your diet can be tough. Having too many options can be overwhelming, especially if this…

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Prenatal supplements are commonplace in the life of women who are pregnant or ready to conceive. Offering your baby the best conditions for healthy development is what all mothers want. However, even if a rich and balanced diet with vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, and other nutrients is the surefire way to ensure your baby’s thriving, sometimes pregnancy depletes you of some critical nutrients. It is where prenatal supplements come in. They bridge the gap and offer your baby everything a regular diet cannot. But what are the benefits, risks, and other uses of prenatal vitamins? Let’s learn more today!…

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Pre-workout supplements are highly effective for boosting workout performance. With a properly formulated product, you will quickly notice a boost in exercise capacity and intensity. There are different types of pre-workout products on the market. There’s a version with stimulants and a stimulant free pre-workout. Each one has it’s own benefits and disadvantages for the user. Allow us to give you a quick introduction to each version to decide for yourself which one to go with. Pre-workout without stimulants You’ll find that stimulants are very common and often found in dietary supplements. Not everybody enjoys stimulants because they can often…

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Dates are one of the oldest cultivated fruits. Fossils have shown that they may even trace back to 50 million years ago. They are a staple of Middle Eastern and Northern African cuisine and even have religious and cultural significance. Simply put, dates are fascinating! They are also incredibly delicious and nutritious. These chewy delights come in several different varieties—over 1,500 grown all over the world to be exact. However, in the US, there are two primary varieties that are most common. Those are deglet noor and medjool dates. You’re most likely to find deglet noor and medjool dates in…

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So many Americans don’t get the recommended amount of sleep they need each night, and the results can be catastrophic. When you regularly don’t get enough sleep, it can profoundly affect your mental and physical health. A big part of making quality sleep a priority in your life is a bedroom that’s designed with that in mind. The following are some tips for choosing the best mattress and other design tips that will help you get a restful night’s sleep. The Mattress Your mattress is the foundation of comfort in your bedroom, so take the time to choose a good…

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It is vital that the hairstyle you employ is different from the others, reflects your character, and be original. In today’s article. It’s possible to mention that ladies who have thick hair are extremely lucky. These women have enough infrastructure for all the hairstyles they need. But unfortunately, albeit they are doing not have a drag with the quantity of hair, these women may have problems in styling their hair permanently. Here we bring the simplest sensational hair trends for you so you’ll choose the simplest one for you. Sensational Hair Trends: Here we bring the 14 best sensational hair…

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If you are heading toward that glorious time in life when you can punch the proverbial time card for the last time, you have a lot to think about to do so in security and comfort. Making sure you have the best health insurance as you lose your reliable work income is crucial, which means that Medicare is a vital part of any modern retirement plan. Medicare is the federal government’s health insurance program for citizens 65 and older. If you’re going to turn 65 soon, it’s crucial to sign up for Medicare on time and make the most of…

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If you’ve ever opened your medicine cabinet and rummaged through the countless containers of pills, syrups, and ointments, you may have wondered if there was a simple and more natural solution to your everyday ailments. Essential oils aren’t a new alternative to modern medicine. In fact, they’ve been around for hundreds of years. Essential oils have grown in popularity since the 1980s and have now become a multimillion-dollar industry. You’re not the only one hoping to simplify the contents of your medicine cabinet. There’s a widespread desire to make a change from solely everyday pharmaceuticals to a mix that includes…

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