Author: Richard

Yoga is essential for those hoping to train their mind, body and soul. Some yogis require the use of props to allow them to train without straining their bodies. A few of these props are considered truly essential in ensuring that the best yoga sessions are experienced, every time. These most essential props are itemised below and should be considered by any yoga enthusiast. They are great additions to your yoga studio and sessions as they can improve your flow and ability. Yoga Blocks Yoga blocks have the ability to raise the floor up, making it much easier to reach…

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You’re already aware that when you eat right your body is healthier and you will feel better. This has everything to with what kind of nutrients you are putting in your body. Your teeth are no exception to this concept, but are there any vitamins and minerals that are more beneficial than others? We checked in with Brooklyn dentist Dr. Culpepper to see what vitamins and minerals his practice recommends to get the strongest and healthiest teeth possible. This is what he told us. Vitamin D: Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins that you can take. It…

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Herbal remedies have been infused in Jamaican traditions for ages. Community elders of Jamaica swear by the benefits and healing effects of bush teas. Many of the natives of the area believe that the appropriate bush tea can work for any health problem. “A herb is used to heal a nation” is a famous phrase in Jamaica by Ras Tafari. Jamaicans have a ritual of consuming herbs to maintain health and well-being. The use of herbal medicines to cure everyday ailments is a common practice. Herbs have several health benefits, namely, preventing heart disease, boost immune health, improving digestion, and…

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Your eating habits can be a true telling sign of your health, especially when it comes to the health of your gut. Therefore, it’s important to adopt smart eating habits that will help you live your best life. However, for many people, that’s easier said than done, and that’s understandable, considering that we’re surrounded by fast-food joints and sweet snacks. Hence, if you’ve been thinking about living a healthier lifestyle, here are some eating tips that can turn into smart habits if you give them a chance. So read on to find out how to transform your dietary habits to…

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“Vitamins” is the buzzword these days. From the way they are portrayed, It seems like they are the answer to all of our health problems. Not a day goes by, where a vitamin ad or advocate does not go past us. But, are they really the panacea we are being made to believe? The truth of the matter is that we require vitamins in small quantities for our body to work at its optimum level. The body gets nearly all of its vitamin needs from our diet. That’s why the FDA calls any vitamin commercially available as dietary supplements, but…

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Autism spectrum disorder is not one but a group of disorders. These disorders are characterized by specific signs and symptoms that commonly include repetitive behavior patterns, speech, social skills, and communication challenges. This group of disorders includes Autism, Asperger’s syndrome, and a specific form of pervasive developmental disorder. It is useful to think of Autism spectrum disorder as a neurodevelopmental disorder. This means that it is a disease in which the development of the brain is different from normal. What is the significance of the term “spectrum” in autism spectrum disorder? The term autism spectrum disorder includes the word “spectrum,”…

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Cardiac problems are one of the most prevalent issues amongst people these days. Such problems are particularly those conditions that have a detrimental impact on your heart. Diseases such as heart rhythm problem, congenital defects and coronary artery disease are to name the few. Narrowed block vessels, heart stroke and chest pains can also come under the same category. In order to be an expert at figuring out when you contract the disease, it is imperative that you do courses such as ACLS online recertification. Not only medical doctors and other professionals are recommended to undertake such courses but lay…

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First, the good news: dry skin is not typically a serious health condition. Now, for the bad news: dry skin can be incredibly uncomfortable, not to mention unsightly. People with dry skin often report that their skin feels tight, especially after a dip in the pool, bath or shower. Dry skin is also usually itchy, flaky and red, and it may develop cracks that are very sore and can bleed. Scared? You don’t have to. Here is some more great news: there are a number of remedies and steps that you can take to alleviate dry skin. To get the…

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Covid-19 has been a game-changer for many industries, with the insurance industry witnessing an increasing trend in buying life insurance plans. This global pandemic became an eye-opener for many people who didn’t believe in investing in life insurance and other related investment plans. Today, people are aware that a single virus can break the entire nation to fall for loss and slow-down in no time. Amidst the global crisis that has happened in a couple of months due to Coronavirus, people who had a secured investment plan are the ones who survived without economic loss. Hence, having an insurance cover…

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The internet is overflowing with tips about how to optimize your immune system and stay healthy, and everyone’s mom, aunt, and next-door neighbor has their own tried and true recommendation – and this is the nature of health tips even in ordinary times. Combine such ordinary advice with the intersection of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the start of cold and flu season, though, and we’re living in a perfect storm of questionable health tips, with a focus on boosting the immune system. But how can you tell the facts from the myths? Simply put, unless you’re an expert, it…

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What pops in your head when you hear the term ‘insoles’? You might be among the many people with the weirdest myths about these shoe accessories. Some think that they are way softer than standard shoe pads to the point of feeling like cushions. Still, others believe that insoles offer you instant support. The most outstanding myth, however, is that they are only for people with foot problems. Today, you will learn why a pair of supination inserts are essential and can often be a cheaper option to buying dedicated supination shoes. It’s time for you to distinguish between hearsay…

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental chronic medical condition that affects millions of children. The disorder often proceeds to adulthood. ADHD occurs when the central nervous system and brain experience impairments associated with growth and development. Children with ADHD experience concentration difficulties, which interferes with relationships and school work. Such kids also struggle with low self-esteem issues. Early diagnosis and treatment can help children struggling with ADHD to handle symptoms. The good news is that people with this disorder can also be successful in life. Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder For the doctor to diagnose a child…

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Losing weight is a challenging, yet, rewarding journey. Since people are different, their weight loss experiences also differ depending on a variety of factors. Metabolism rates and fat-burning capabilities along with energy levels are all among such factors affecting the body’s ability to lose weight in a set period of time. Sometimes, the body simply cannot lose enough weight on its own, so it needs external supplements to help boost the weight loss rates and accelerate the process. Here are some of the ingredients that can be found in popular supplements that have proven results in helping people lose some…

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A laceration can be anything between a paper cut and a mishap with an ax. No matter how severe your wound, you are probably going to want to heal as quickly as possible and put your injury behind you. Most of the healing process with a laceration is just to let nature take its course. But there are several things you can do to give nature a hand, like getting plenty of rest, keeping your wound clean, and eating certain foods. A Quick Healing Checklist There are many simple things that can help you to heal from a laceration as…

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While you are on a ketogenic diet, it is widespread for you to neglect fiber sources. This happens due to the cautious intake of carbohydrates and may lead to constipation and indigestion. Fiber is beneficial for humans as it aids the digestive process and removes waste from the body. Adding fiber to your ketogenic diet will enhance your metabolism. Two Types Of Fiber Fiber is classified into two types, soluble and insoluble. Both types get digested differently. Soluble fibers are mostly found in fruits and legumes that are to be avoided during the ketogenic diet. You see them in packed…

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The condition of your teeth can brighten up a room or have you feeling unwilling to smile at all. While there’s no doubt that most of us want to avoid the crutches of yellowing teeth, oral hygiene complaints span far further than cosmetic appearance. Even though you should continue to make efforts to stave off unsightly stains, tooth and gum sensitivity is an increasingly popular complaint. However, when taking into account that sensitivity is caused by the decaying enamel or exposed roots of a tooth, cosmetic goals are equally as crucial as yellowing teeth will soon become sensitive and brittle.…

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With the new technology, there’re quite a several skin treatments services that you can opt for at any time. Unlike other cosmetic therapies that are handled through surgery, Profhilo treatment is done by injecting a hormone that stimulates collagen and elastin production. The anti-aging treatment injection is positioned just below the skin surface. With its feature to retort quickly with the skin, it dissolves hence fast hydration. Since the injection is in the form of a hyaluronic gel, the treatment is done in two sessions with a time difference of four hours. This article takes you through important details about…

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Activate brown fats as you sleep, eat less before bedtime, reduce exposure to blue light, and sleep in a cold, dark room to lose weight in your sleep. Losing weight can be quite difficult. Weight loss requires long-term commitment and a strictly maintained lifestyle. Every year, despite spending billions of dollars on goods and services for weight loss, millions of people remain overweight. In a recent survey done amidst the lockdown period, 48% of the participants said that they have gained weight. The main cause behind this is that as most people are indoors most of the time, they do…

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Oral health is one of the personal health care that tends to be neglected by many. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 26% of adults in the US have tooth decay that goes untreated. Aside from tooth decay, almost all adults 30 years and older are suffering from gum disease. These numbers show how dental care for many isn’t a big deal. However, due to people getting concerned about their general health, oral care is slowly going up on the list of most families’ priorities. To start, here are the signs that you should look out…

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COVID-19 pandemic didn’t just affect the health of millions of people, but it has also impacted different industries as well as health systems. Many scientists, doctors, along with ordinary people are constantly working on various solutions that are going to help the world fight against this virus. This just goes to show that people are capable of creating amazing things at any point, especially when something as horrible as this occurs. This gives us hope that all of us will come out as winners after this. We will list these revolutionary things that were designed to combat the outbreak. Top…

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The last time you went to the doctor, did you have to get any medical tests? Even if you were simply there for a physical, there’s a good chance you had to have your blood drawn or give a urine sample. And if you came in with a more serious complaint – severe joint pain and swelling, persistent headaches, constant stomach aches and reflux – you may even have been sent for other tests at a hospital or ambulatory care center. Of course, any time a medical test is ordered, from the most routine to the most emergent, it’s natural…

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As a part of the endocrine system, the thyroid gland is responsible for making essential hormones. Thyroid hormones are used throughout the body. They help your body utilize energy from your food (metabolism) and they help essential organs, including the heart, brain, and muscles, to work properly. Thyroid hormones also regulate body temperature and aid in the proper development of muscles and bones. When the thyroid gland is not producing enough thyroid hormone, this is when hypothyroidism happens. Hypothyroidism affects approximately 4.6% of the US population, aged 12 years or older. When you suffer from hypothyroidism, every tissue, muscle, and…

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Taking care of the skin is very important, especially for individuals who prefer their skin young and radiant. No one wishes to get older, and that’s why we spend fortunes trying to remain youthful and with a fair skin tone. You can use several ways to maintain your skin, including prescription creams and fillers, over-the-counter drugs, and cosmetic surgery. You can even try the skin tightening treatment done by LipoTherapeia. But do these processes work? Some always work, while others only function temporarily. This article will discuss some of the simple medical procedures that will deliver excellent results for your…

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Armodafinil and Modafinil are two of a class of so-called smart drugs or nootropics. Modafinil is available as a generic under the names of Modvigil and Modalert and under the brand name of Provigil®. Armodafinil is available as a generic under the names Artvigil and Waklert and under the brand name of Nuvigil®. Even as you are still learning to pronounce these verbal mouthfuls, you have probably noticed the names are quite similar. And you are likely wondering which drug is better for your needs and goals. You may also have questions about whether to choose the brand name or…

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At the time our children were brought to this world, our main goal has always been to keep them protected all the time, which we can fully achieve by baby-proofing the house and having them immunized. As we’ve decided to have our child vaccinated, it’s highly important that we follow their immunization schedule. Doing so will protect our child even when we’re not physically present. An immunization schedule is a list of vaccines that can either be required or recommended by your child’s doctor. Below are five reasons why you should follow your child’s immunization schedule. 1. Best Possible Timing…

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Are you confused about what this fuss is all about regarding burpees? This is one of the most brutal bodyweight exercises that consider helpful in fat burning and muscle building. Although there’s no fun way to do burpees, you can take a slow start and hit a certain rep count. You’ll be amazed to see the results. Yes, these burpees work your back, arms, chest, glutes, core, and legs. Not this, but burpees help spike your heart rate, and for that reason, these are among the most intensive interval training exercises. It has been added to many WOD’s for The…

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To exercise, it doesn’t mean that you would have to pack your bags and run to the nearest gym. It is possible to exercise indoors and still keep your body in shape. This thought process had gathered substantial grounds after the pandemic outbreak when all gymnasiums were closed, and people were forced to stay at their houses. Even today, when the lockdown has been partially lifted, the fitness buffs’ entire workout schedule, developed during the last six months, has not switched loyalties. Accepted that if you were to build huge muscles, it is imperative that you lift heavy. However, to…

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The social stigma around any addiction, whether it is alcohol addiction or drug addiction, is the most dangerous thing. Many addicts do not talk about their addiction just because they are afraid to talk about it, and they fear that people would judge them. Any kind of drug addiction is not a weakness. No matter what the situation is, you can always overcome it if you want to start a new life. Recovery from drug and alcohol addiction is possible no matter how hopeless the situation is, but first, you would have to admit that you have the problem of…

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Birth is a joyous event for most parents, but when something goes wrong it can cause turmoil in your personal and professional life. No one expects their baby to be injured during birth, but it happens more often than many people realize. If your child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, autism, Erb’s palsy, or another condition that requires your full attention, you may be able to take a leave under FMLA to care for them. If you’ve had a child recently, are expecting one, or you are wondering how to care for a child with special needs, you should…

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What can a wifi scale do for you? With the availability of multiple smart health gadgets and tools, anyone can easily keep tabs on their health and make any lifestyle adjustments necessary to improve their health. A wifi scale, also known as a smart scale, does more than just give you a figure of your weight. If you are trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you probably need to remember information about your weight or enter it into the health apps that you are using. Your wifi scale is tailored to capture information about your weight and keep on updating…

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