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A Vegan’s Guide to CoViD-19

Since the start of the CoViD-19 pandemic, vegans will have to make very important lifestyle changes like everybody else. And while restaurants and local farmer’s markets are beginning to recover from the ordeal, a high degree of caution should still be observed, considering the virus is expected to stay for a long time.

Nonetheless, making adjustments is not difficult if you know what to do at such an uncertain time. After all, wellness will always be a priority no matter how difficult a situation gets.

All we need to do is to keep a level head and apply these tips for navigating the new normal:

1. Make full use of deliveries

Even as quarantine restrictions are relaxed, local governments are implementing strict social distancing rules. The virus still has a high transferability rate, so the safest way to get the supplies you need is through delivery services. You can check out apps such as DoorDash and Uber Eats to order ingredients or cooked meals without having to expose yourself to the outside world.

However, when ordering food online, it’s important to research more about an establishment before placing your order. That said, make sure that a restaurant uses organic, non-GMO ingredients. It’s often best to check out the reviews section and read what other vegans think about the food. Finally, it’s important to ask if you can request to leave out certain ingredients such as dairy and food that triggers your allergies.

2. Stock up on meal essentials

Depending on where you are, vegan establishments could be hard to come by so preparing meals on your own may still be the best option. Whether you are planning to use a delivery app or go directly to a store, you might want to include items such as brown rice, fruits, whole grain pasta, and lots of greens. 

It’s also best to stock up on lots of tofu since you need a steady supply of protein all throughout. You can also try making your own tempeh. This delicious Indonesian snack is made from soybeans. And like tofu, it is packed with protein and can be easily cooked at home.

Aside from these, you also need to stock up on beans. Look for organic edamame, kidney and cannellini beans that go great with any authentic Italian dish. You can also purchase bags of lentils that you can use for soups and salads. Finally, look for chickpeas you can make homemade hummus out of. Other than that, they also make for an awesome shakshuka meal.  

lastly, make sure to have a steady supply of herbs and vegetables that provide a wide range of health benefits. Japanese sea vegetables such as nori and hijiki provide a considerable supply of minerals such as iodine and vitamin K. They are also known to prevent the development of breast and skin cancer and can help in improving cardiovascular health.

3. Disinfect as you go

Across the world, individuals and organizations are adjusting to what is known as the new normal. Everyone is required to wear masks when they venture outside and make the effort to avoid getting in close contact with other people. More importantly, the new normal will also underscore the need for disinfectants and sanitizing facilities. 

That said, it might be time for you to stock up on disinfectant sprays and microfiber cloths. You can also check out for a safe and easy-to-use disinfection system for your home or business. You can also check out an HOCl machine that converts water and salt into a highly potent but safe cleaning solution. To give your home cleaning a more organic twist, you can use herbs such as mint, lavender or oregano. These are known to have antibacterial and antiviral properties, so look for online recipes for creating cleaning solutions using these herbs.

And speaking of online recipes…

4. Check out and share recipes

For many people, the pandemic provided an opportunity to discover new things or rediscover certain passions or hobbies. While some have been busy freelancing or binge watching Netflix shows, you can take this time to create your own vegan recipes. 

All you need are some ingredients delivered or plucked fresh from your garden to create meals that will surely make the whole quarantine experience worth your while. You can go online for recipe ideas and share your own through Instagram or YouTube.

5. Create a backyard garden

If you don’t have a backyard garden yet, now is the perfect time to consider building one. You only need a small patch of land or some pots. On top of that, you also need to learn composting and caring for certain types of plants such as tomatoes and cucumbers. 

Whatever you plant in your garden, you can rest easy knowing that you have an organic farm just a few feet away from your living room. For starters, you can grow curly kale, which is fairly easy to grow within just six weeks. You can also begin growing potatoes. 

They are also easy to grow and you don’t have to exert too much effort in taking care of the plants. You just have to make sure there is adequate drainage. Here’s a tip: Try planting your potatoes in used burlap bags, which work great when it comes to draining.

Of course, no home garden is complete without tomatoes. They are productive and they take up to 30 days to be fully grown. You just have to provide an adequate amount of mulch and trim the lower leaves to ensure faster and healthier growth.

Along with growing your own ingredients, you can also plant some medicinal herbs. Look along the lines of aconite, which works great for treating anxiety and sleeplessness. Corydalis is also a great herb for treating chronic pain and injuries.  

The CoViD-19 pandemic has affected people from all walks of life. For vegans, it’s best to adapt our goals — whether it’s losing weight or transitioning to raw lifestyle — in the new normal.



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