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A Carpenter’s Diet: What To Eat And Not To

Every carpenter needs a sufficient amount of nutrient intake every day to cope up with their immense workload. If you’re a carpenter who is unsure of his daily diet then we are here to take care of your worries. Let us walk you through the optimum ways of diet regulation, carefully designed for carpentry.

Diet Management

It’s impossible to keep count how many times we’ve heard the phrase, ‘You are what you eat’. Now, this saying is as accurate as it gets. For example, by taking enough proteins and carbohydrates, you’ll have more energy to spend on woodworks. And by not doing so, you’re more like to get tired sooner.

This is where diet management comes in. By regulating your diet you will be able to determine your daily requirement of nutrition. This also means saying no to several foodstuffs that potentially affect your precious workflow in several ways.

Noteworthy Benefits of Diet Regulation

A combined research (2010) showed that unhealthy diets were slowly starting to affect more professions every day by gradually pushing them towards chronic diseases and premature death. This is why we decided to discuss some of the benefits of carefully choosing what to eat and what not to:

What You Should and Shouldn’t Eat

A research by the International Food Information Council Foundation (IFICF) states that people like hearing what ‘to eat’. But even more people dislike hearing what ‘not to eat’. This is actually because they feel limited when discussing the latter.

But the responsibility to guide our fellow carpenters to a healthy diet is on our shoulders. So we have mentioned several foodstuffs that you should and shouldn’t eat for enhancing your output as a carpenter. At you will find more than just the perfect diet to make your work yield the best results.

What To Eat

We have categorized the diet for optimum outputs according to nutrition. This in-depth guide is also going to help you understand ‘when’ and ‘why’ to consume these.


Carbs can be the largest source of energy for a carpenter. Our body has a unique way of dealing with them. For instance, when there is not enough carbohydrate in your diet, the body uses the ones it had stored in the liver or muscles.

More than half of the calories you spend on working can be achieved from burning carbs. So it’s essential to consume enough carbohydrates in all your meals as they fuel you both mentally and physically.

On the contrary, a diet that lacks carbohydrates can cause nausea and headache. So here are some suggestions for food that are rich in carbohydrate:


If you have enough experience in carpentry then you already know that sometimes making a small tea table can require a lot of strength. Not to mention the mental labor one has to go through to nail those precise joints.

Proper consumption of protein through your diets can help you repair and maintain your muscles. It also helps to stay focused on your work because you won’t be feeling hungry too often. Proteins have their way of dealing with fats and other sustained injuries on the body.

Here are several ways to consume protein in your daily diet in sufficient amounts:

Vitamins and Minerals

You can’t benefit from buying food unless you cook and consume it, right? Vitamins and minerals do just that. They help in converting all the consumed nutrients into energy. Lack of vitamin and mineral consumption may cause us to have a faulty repair and immune system.

Foods such as the following will help replenish your diet with the supply of essential vitamins and minerals that it needs:

Other than carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals all of the foods suggested for your consumption are rich fiber. This helps in digestion and waste discharge. As a result, you feel lighter and free working at your workstation.

What Not To Eat

Food is life but there is no denying that some foods surely make big differences in our daily life, in a bad way. The principal reason why people consume unhealthy food in their diet is due to carelessness. Yes, the simple answer is that we underestimate the strength of foods in affecting our precious workflow.

As carpenters, time and smooth workflow are what comes right after your carpentry skills, in priority. By simply avoiding a few foodstuffs in our daily diet we can have a healthier body and mind.

Let’s talk about a better approach to understanding ‘which’ foods are potentially harmful to you and ‘why’. For the ease of understanding, we decided to specify them individually.

Added Sugar

Syrups and Honey go well in the breakfast platter, don’t they? But they contain little to zero nutrients. Other sugary items such as candies and sweetened carbonated beverages can cause your blood pressure to fluctuate which will sweat and tire you quicker.

Excess Salt

According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the dietary guideline for Americans discourages taking more than 2300 mg sodium in one day. That is almost equal to 1 teaspoon of salt since too much added-salt in your foods can mess with your blood pressure and heart health.

Baked Assortments

The baked goodies have a fusion of disadvantages from the first two points. They contain added sugar, as well as salt, excess fat, and synthesized carbohydrate.

Therefore they may be a treat to your taste buds but not so much to your overall health. These include commercially produced cheesecake, pretzels, churros, creamed donuts, and high-fat pastries too.

Commercially Processed Meat

In a survey conducted by the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (HPBA) in 2013, the US consumers voted hotdogs as the most popular food for grilling. Steak and chicken came second and fourth respectively. This proves that unhealthy food can easily surpass healthy food in popularity.

So a well-received food doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s healthy. Foods such as bacon, pepperoni, hot dogs, packaged French fries, or any canned meat can facilitate chronic diseases, hypertension, etc. We all know shaky hands and restlessness is a no-go for Carpenters.

Each of these pointers has been handpicked as warnings because they are the ones that are easily available or accessible to a carpenter. Almost all of these are ready to be served at your local deli. Remember that this is just the tip of the iceberg. So keep an eye out for other foods that belong to the same family as well.

Start Choosing The Right Foods For Your Diet Today!

The purpose of our in-depth walkthrough is to help you distinguish between healthy and unhealthy food items for a better diet. Remember that diet regulation is not as intimidating or boring as it sounds. If anything, the rewards are tenfold the effort.

By maintaining these regulations you are bound to see significant improvements in your workflow, that too in no time!



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