Mexican Poppy is found in waste lands. It is a perennial herb which grows up to 1 meter high. Leaves possess spines, sessile and without petioles. The plant has yellow flowers. The fruit is a capsule which bears numerous small spines as well as seeds which resembles mustard. It mostly grows in the tropical and sub-tropical countries.
Name | Mexican poppy |
Scientific Name | Argemone mexicana |
Native | Native to Mexico and West Indies. It became pantropical after it got introduced as an ornamental. It is naturalized in African countries. |
Common/English Name | Mexican poppy, Yellow thistle, Mexican pricklepoppy, Prickly poppy, Mexican prickly poppy, pavot épineux, Amapolas del Campo, Bird-in-the-bush, Bermuda Thistle, Brahmadanti, Caruancho, Cardo Santo, Chadron, Gamboge Thistle, Flowering Thistle, Gold Thistle of Peru, Jamaican Thistle, Hierba Loca, Kawinchu, Mexican Thistle, Mexican Prickly Poppy, Prickly Pepper, Mexican Thorn Poppy, Prickly Poppy, Satayanasi, Queen Thistle, Xate, Shate, Thistle-bush, Svarnasiri, Zebe Dragon, Yellow Thistle |
Name in Other Languages | Argentina: cardo Amarillo; Brazil: cardo-amarelo; Bangladesh: Shialkata; Germany: Mexikanischer Stachelmohn; India: agara; Haiti: chardon béni; Italy: papavero messicano; Indonesia: droedjoe; Kenya: ekijembajembe; Japan: Azami-Geshi; Mexico: chicalote; Mauritius: chardon du pays; Netherlands: stekelpapaver; Myanmar: kye-ja; Nigeria: Boginahi; Niger: Boginahi; Paraguay: Cardo santo; Pakistan: kanderi; South Africa: yellow-flowered Mexican poppy; Puerto Rico: cardosanto; Zimbabwe: umjelemani; French: argemone mexicaine; Spanish: adormidera espinosa; Bengali: Shialkanta; English: Prickly poppy; Portuguese: papoula-do-Mexico; Hindi: Pila-dhatura; Tamil: Karukkansedi; Oriya: Kantakusham; Hindi: Bharband; Telegu: Brahmdandidandu; Konkani: Phirangi dhutro; Bengali: Siyal-Kanta; Kannada: Datturigidda; Malayalam: Ponnummattu; Marathi: Firangi dhotra; Manipuri: Khomthongpee; Sanskrit: Swarnakshiri |
Plant Growth Habit | Robust, erect herb |
Growing Climate | Tropical |
Plant Size | 150 cm |
Lifespan | Annual |
Root | Taproot |
Stem | Erect, branched, prickly, pale bluish to green |
Leaf | Alternate, mottled white and dark green, thistle like, toothed; Length: 15 cm |
Flowering Season | April- July |
Flower | Solitary, glabrous, yellow-pale orange, Diameter: 2.5-5 cm |
Fruit shape & size (Capsule) | Oblong, egg-shaped, ovoid, spiny; Length: 2.5-5 cm; Width: 2 cm |
Seed | Spherical, brownish-black; Diameter: 1 mm |
Health Benefits |