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7 Days of Self Love and What To Do Daily

Try our 7 day self-love challenge to soothe your mind, body, and soul. This 7-day guide includes daily instructions to make the most of your self-care week.

People talk a lot about self-love. We know it’s important. We know it’s good for the mind, body, and soul. We know it’s something we should all be practicing on a regular basis. But we aren’t sure where to start.

It’s easy to prioritize your work, family, and responsibilities above self-love. But practicing self-love can actually put you in a position to do better in those other areas of your life.

Recalibrate your thinking and make yourself a priority in your life. Here’s our plan for seven days of self-love (and what to do each day).

What is Self-Love?

So what exactly is self-love? Dr. Andrea Brandt defines it as “having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness … taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others … not settling for less than you deserve.”

It’s not egotistical or narcissistic. It is knowing that you’re valuable and that you’re the most important person in your own life.

It’s a way to build yourself up and a way to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally.

For people who tend to focus more on others than on themselves, learning how to self-love is crucial. If you’re not already practicing self-love on a regular basis, here is a seven-day plan to get you started.

Day 1: Unplug

Are you consumed with checking Facebook? Do you feel inadequate looking through other people’s Instagram feeds? Does watching cable TV news make you anxious or stress you out?

Day 2: Journal

Need to work through some of your emotions and thoughts? Journaling is a way to record your thoughts and feelings. It’s also a way to analyze and explore them in greater depth.

Day 3: Exercise

You should prioritize exercise in your life. Good physical health and good mental health go hand in hand, so having a strong, fit body is essential.

Day 4: Get Creative

Finding a creative outlet is great for the mind! Don’t think you have the creativity gene? Take a break from the usual and try something new. You just might surprise yourself!

Day 5: Meditate

Meditation is one of the best ways to connect with your inner self. It’s also a proven stress-reducer and a way to control anxiety.

Day 6: Get Organized

It’s healthy and sanitary to have a clean home, but that’s not always enough. If you really want to practice some self-love, you’ll also need it to be an organized one.

Day 7: Pamper Yourself

Everyone needs a day of pampering from time to time. On day seven of your first week of self love, take time to pamper yourself.


You can start practicing self-love right now by doing these seven things, one each day this week:

So stop thinking you’re too busy to focus on yourself or that other things are more important. This week, make it a point to focus on self-love.

By the time the week is over, you just may find that you feel better than you ever have before!

Author Bio:

Aaron Hunt is the property manager for Prime Place KSU. He can be reached by email at or by call or text at 402-858-2858.



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