Nerve pain can be a sign of nerve damage, and this calls for medical attention to treat the problem before it escalates. Nerve pain can be as a result of different causes and therefore, there are different treatment methods for each cause. So, any nerve pain you experience will be treated according to the symptoms you have so it is important to first establish the cause of your condition before administering any kind of treatment. Nerve pain relievers can be in the form of supplements, OTC medication, and creams or gels. While topical relievers for nerve pain are of different types, the following are some of these relievers you can consider;
Capsaicin works as a great treatment for neuropathy for pain especially that is linked to postherpetic neuralgia. It is administered through a patch that is applied by a physician at least 3 to 4 times a day for up to 60 minutes. This treatment is said to offer relief to patients for a period of 3 months and as an approved nerve pain treatment. The downside of using capsaicin is that it has side effects on the skin that may be adverse to some people.
The amitriptyline cream can be used to treat nerve pain, and the most effective amount that has had positive results has been 5 and 10 percent concentration. Independent studies done on different patients have shown that amitriptyline can also be combined with ketamine, another cream that has been used to treat the same. Side effects associated with the cream may include redness on the skin as reported on some patients.
Lidocaine can be administered in many ways, from gels or cream to sprays and medicated patches. According to experts, a concentration of five percent Lidocaine can be used to treat localized peripheral neuralgia as well as postherpetic neuralgia. This kind of treatment is linked to fewer risks and other adverse reactions on the skin, making it one of the best treatments for nerve pain.
The DMSO is an excellent topical treatment for nerve pain which is classified among the diclofenac solutions, and several studies done have proved that it relieves nerve pain on neuropathy patients. While users of DMSO have experienced skin irritation and dryness, a higher concentration of the drug may also result in a garlic-like taste. Also, most topical neuropathy treatments are used combined with other drugs, but DMSO contains free-radical scavenging as well as afferent C-fibers which make its modulation portable.
Bottom line
Treatment for nerve pain will differ and what works for one person may not be as effective on the other person. Before undergoing any kind of medication, make sure you visit a physician who will help to establish cause of your neuropathy. This way, you also get medical advice on your problem while getting the most appropriate treatment for it. You can check out for more topical relievers for nerve pain as well as information related to nerve pain and its treatment.