There are many different types of appetite suppressants available on the market, but the most popular ones are diet pills and supplements. According to studies, diet pills work by suppressing the hunger hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for telling your brain when you are hungry. Supplements work by giving your body the nutrients it needs in a form that can be used without being digested and broken down first.
The most common appetite suppressant ingredients are garcinia cambogia, green tea extract, and ginger root. We have expounded on each below and the dynamics that go along each ingredient so that you are aware of how your body will be impacted.
1) Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia cambogia is a small, pumpkin-shaped fruit. The plant will mostly be found in Southeast Asia. The garcinia cambogia fruit has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. It is traditionally used to treat digestive and skin problems as well as to increase energy levels.
How Hydroxycitric Acid in Garcinia Cambogia Helps Suppress Appetite
Garcinia cambogia contains hydroxycitric acid, which is a substance that has been shown to suppress appetite and boost weight loss. Its concentration in Garcinia Cambogia is a key factor in determining the effectiveness of the supplement. The acid can inhibit the production of fat cells and boost weight loss.
2) Green Tea Extract
Green tea extract is a type of herbal supplement that comes from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. It is a popular weight-loss tea that many people turn to for its purported benefits. Some studies have found that green tea extract can help with weight loss by suppressing appetite, increasing metabolism, and boosting fat oxidation.
Green tea leaves are processed to extract polyphenols, which are a type of antioxidants. A popular type of green tea is matcha tea. Matcha is made from whole leaves, stone-ground into a fine powder. Compared to other forms of green tea (such as steeped or brewed), matcha contains more caffeine and catechins – the beneficial compounds in green tea that have been studied extensively.
The Benefits of Caffeine in Green Tea Extract Towards Aiding Appetite Suppression
Green tea extract contains caffeine, which is a stimulant that can enhance fat burning. This is because it stimulates the central nervous system and suppresses appetite. Caffeine also boosts exercise performance by increasing heart rate, blood flow, and adrenaline levels. This makes one active a bit more than usual. This indirectly encourages exercises, which in turn help one to burn calories. Other potential health benefits of caffeine include improved mental health.
How Antioxidants in Green Tea Extract Help Suppress Appetite
The main active ingredient in green tea extract is caffeine, which increases the concentration of antioxidants in the bloodstream. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a type of catechin found in green tea. This polyphenol elevates metabolism and suppresses weight gain. EGCG has been shown to prevent diet-induced obesity in animal models and boost fat oxidation in vitro. It also appears to have beneficial effects on metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and inflammatory diseases.
3) Ginger Root
Ginger root is a culinary spice. It is used in baking, pickling, marinades, and other dishes. The ginger root powder is made from the dried and ground roots of ginger plants. Ginger root powder can be used in cooking to add flavor to foods.
How Gingerols in Ginger Root Help Suppress Appetite
Gingerols are compounds found in ginger root that are responsible for its anti-obesity effects. They stabilize blood sugar levels and help suppress appetite. Gingerol is the most prevalent compound in ginger root, but there are also shogaols, paradols, zingerone, and pungent compounds such as eugenol, which all have anti-obesity effects.
How Shogaols in Ginger Root Help Suppress Appetite
Gingerols are not the only compounds in a ginger root that have anti-obesity effects. Shogaols give ginger its spicy taste. Shogaols suppress the effects of serotonin and acetylcholine neurotransmitters in the brain, which make you feel full after eating.
Precautions While Dealing With Appetite Suppressants
Appetite suppressants are available in two forms: prescription and over-the-counter. Prescription appetite suppressants are usually recommended for people with medical conditions such as diabetes, chronic pain, or eating disorders. Over-the-counter appetite suppressants are mainly used to lose weight and can be bought without a prescription.
It is important to note that these medicines should not be used for more than 12 weeks without consulting a doctor due to safety concerns.
New Trends and the Future of Appetite Suppressants
The future of appetite suppressants is looking bright. A new study has found that people who take appetite suppressants are more likely to lose weight and keep it off.