Irrespective of whether you have been exercising regularly or are simply starting on a fitness program, it is important to prevent injuries to keep moving towards your fitness goals. With age, people are highly vulnerable to injuries and become less agile. The recovery from an injury also slows down with age. You may notice that it takes longer for you to recover from an injury and the injured part remains vulnerable during that period. To help you prevent injuries when exercising, here are a few tips to guide you through:
1. Speak to the Doctor
It is important to check with the doctor before starting an exercise program. The doctor can decide if you are healthy to exercise and ready to modify the program. The program should fit your health and body requirements and take into account your body’s medical conditions and limitations.
Otherwise, there’s a possibility that your medical conditions, such as arthritis or injuries, will worsen during exercise. In such cases, In such cases, you’ll need not only a doctor’s consultation but also the assistance of a specialist like an orthopedist to treat your orthopedic injury or condition.
An orthopedist can help reduce pain, improve function, and prevent further injuries or complications. They can also help you safely and quickly return to normal activities.
2. Choose the Workout Wisely
It is best to avoid high impact exercises if you have conditions like osteoporosis or arthritis. Other exercises like swimming will give the necessary movement in the body without stressing the joints.
However, if you want to choose your workout wisely, there are some essential considerations you should take into account. For example, you should identify your fitness goals, assess your current fitness level, and consider your schedule. Doing so will help you find the appropriate workout that suits your needs.
3. Understand the Technique
Never make the mistake of starting a new workout without learning the right technique. It is important to have the right posture and technique when you begin working out. Work with a trainer in the gym during the initial stage. Alternatively, you can ask the physical therapist to guide you through creating a workout that works for your health.
4. Invest in the Right Clothing
It is vital to put on the right clothes and shoes during a workout. The shoes should provide good support and have a cushion feature at the heel for shock absorption. Always wear comfortable and loose clothing, which gives enough room to breathe.
5. Take it Slow
Do not start an exercise program in haste. According to Julian Sanders Law, a renowned personal injury lawyer in Atlanta, the biggest risk of injury is when you change your exercise routine abruptly or introduce a new exercise. It is essential to take it slow and raise the speed gradually once you gain the momentum.
6. Always Warm-up
Failure to warm-up, you will be prone to injuries. A warm-up is important because it will help you improve blood flow into the muscles and reduce stiffness, allowing you to lower the risks of getting injuries. A good warm-up can include leg lifting, walking, stretching out, and performing a low-impact exercise for five or ten minutes. However, don’t engage in passive stretches to avoid tearing your muscles.
7. Drink Plenty of Water
During a workout, you will sweat a lot; thus, dehydrating your body. It is important to remain hydrated and drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercise.
Basically, water can lubricate your joints and regulate the temperature in your body. It also helps to transport important nutrients that will keep you healthy and provide the energy you require to continue with your workout routine.
8. Make Changes to the Workouts
It is important to swap the workouts you do. Even if you enjoy aerobics, you need to match it with other activities like tennis and dancing. It will work on different muscle groups and allow your body to recover in between your workout sessions.
9. Know the Limits of Your Body
Do not be obsessed about exercising and workout too much than your body can handle. If any part of your body hurts, make sure you take a break. Otherwise, your workout routine will prolong the healing time, and you might not achieve your fitness goals. Always seek the advice of a medical professional if pain persists, even after taking OTC medications. You also need to instantly seek help if there is shortness of breath, chest pains, and dizziness.
10. Work with a Qualified Personal Trainer
If you don’t know where to start, look for a qualified personal trainer to help you structure a good fitness plan, depending on your goals, like muscle building and weight loss.
A good trainer may also help you avoid most bad habits, which can even affect the best athletes in the country, allowing you to focus on form instead of weight to have the best outcome. A few hours of workout with a professional trainer can be all you need to have the transformation you want.
To maximize your partnership with a qualified personal trainer, it’s important to effectively communicate and collaborate with them. Be honest and transparent about your fitness level, health concerns, and workout preferences. This will enable your trainer to develop a workout plan that is safe and effective for you.
Additionally, don’t hesitate to ask questions and provide feedback. Let your trainer know how you feel during and after the exercise. If a workout feels too easy or difficult, inform them so that they can make the necessary adjustments to your plan.
11. Change Your Diet
Naturally, nutrition follows a similar principle as body hydration. While your body may eventually access your fat cells as energy reserves, you can suffer injuries way before then when you don’t have glycogen readily available for your body to use during exercise.
Muscle failure during exercise may result in painful tears in your tissues, which notoriously take months or even years to heal. Providing your body with the necessary protein post-workout so as to repair the muscle fiber damage is equally vital as the pre-workout carb consumption.
12. Consider a Good Spotter
If you lift weights long enough, you might get to a point where you will need a spotter’s help for some exercises, including bench press and squat. When you work very hard than you are needed to, you can easily miss a rep, though it’s not a bad thing. It is just an indication that you have worked to your limit.
However, when you work this hard, you will need a reliable spotter. Good spotters conduct themselves at all times, but your training partner may also offer you a gentle touch, allowing you to complete a rep you would normally miss.
The Takeaway!
There is no strategy that is foolproof when you begin your fitness journey. If you do have a strain, you need to ice it instantly after the injury. In addition, take enough rest until the injured part heals completely. If there is no improvement after rubbing ice or taking adequate rest, you need to speak to a medical expert who might prescribe medication or wrap the area with an elastic bandage.
Do not continue with your exercise routine when your body parts experience pain. Staying healthy and exercising is important, but you need to know when to stop. Understand your body and know your limits before you set out on the fitness journey.